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Game on February 16, 2025 at 06:31, 1 player
1. 349 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. achiotw   H8    34    34   witch
 2. ?abettu   7E    74   108   abutter
 3. egilmnx   8K    64   172   exing
 4. ?adhowz   8A    73   245   adoze
 5. eeglorv   B1    80   325   groveled
 6. aefinst  11E   102   427   fanciest
 7. acdeerw  12A    38   465   crewed
 8. aeeilvy   H7    60   525   twitchily
 9. aaeiost  12H    28   553   hostie
10. einopsu   2A    62   615   pruinose
11. aemnnou   1H    86   701   noumena
12. abforty   6J    44   745   forby
13. aegiilr   O1    54   799   large
14. adlnpuv   A1    34   833   app
15. adhnost  13C    42   875   hond
16. adiorsu  14D    28   903   ods
17. eiklmuv  A10    42   945   mickle
18. aaijrtv   9F    27   972   ajiva
19. aiqrrtu   1D    47  1019   qat

Remaining tiles: iirru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6469 Filefatcat      2  8:27  -670  349     1.6469 fatcat      2  8:27  -670  349 

On 1st draw, WITCH H8 34 --- WITCH to bewitch [v]
Other tops: CAHOW H8 34, WATCH H4 34, WATCH H8 34, WITCH H4 34
Other moves: CAHOW H4 32, AITCH H8 28, CAHOW H5 26, CAHOW H6 26, CAHOW H7 26

On 2nd draw, ABUTTE(R) 7E 74 --- ABUTTER that which abuts [n]
Other tops: ABUTTE(D) 7D 74, ABUTTE(D) 7E 74, ABUTTE(R) 7D 74, BATTE(A)U 7E 74, BATTE(A)U 7F 74, BATTUE(S) 7E 74, BATTUE(S) 7F 74, BUTTHEA(D) 12D 74, B(A)TTEAU 7E 74
Other moves: BATTUE(S) 7B 73, B(A)TTEAU 7F 73, CUTTAB(L)E 11H 72, BATTUE(S) I3 68, T(I)TUBATE 10B 67

On 3rd draw, EXING 8K 64 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: TWITCHING H7 54, MIXEN 8A 47, EXING 8A 45, LEAMING E5 40, MEALING E5 40

On 4th draw, ADOZ(E) 8A 73 --- ADOZE dozing [adj]
Other moves: (V)OZHD 8A 66, DZHO(S) 8A 55, HAZ(E)D 8A 54, AZO(T)H 8A 53, HA(R)EWO(O)D K5 52

On 5th draw, GROVELED B1 80 --- GROVEL to crawl in an abject manner [v]
Other moves: LEVEE J6 29, LEVER J6 29, REVEL J6 29, GREVE J5 28, OVERGO C8 28

On 6th draw, FANCIEST 11E 102 --- FANCY ornamental [adj]

On 7th draw, CREWED 12A 38 --- CREW to serve aboard a ship [v]
Other tops: DECREW 12A 38
Other moves: WEARED 10J 37, WARED 6J 36, WEARED 12A 36, WEARED 6J 35, WADER 6J 34
WEED 10J 33 fatcat

On 8th draw, TWITCHILY H7 60 --- TWITCHILY [adv]
Other moves: VERILY B10 40, AGLY 1A 36, CAVY A12 36, YEVE J6 35, YEVE 6J 33
CAVE A12 27 fatcat

On 9th draw, HOSTIE 12H 28 --- HOSTIE (Australian slang) an air hostess [n]
Other moves: AGATISE 1A 27, TOES 13C 27, HOSTA 12H 26, TATSOI 10F 26, AGATES 1A 24
CAST A12 18 fatcat

On 10th draw, PRUINOSE 2A 62 --- PRUINOSE having a powdery covering [adj]
Other tops: EPIGONUS O5 62
Other moves: PEONIES J2 31, LUPINES 14H 30, UNCOPE A10 30, OPSIN N10 28, PERNIO B10 28
SCOPE A11 27 fatcat

On 11th draw, NOUMENA 1H 86 --- NOUMENON an object of intellectual intuition [n]
Other moves: NOUMENAL 14A 74, NOUMENA 3H 72, NOMEN 1F 37, NUMEN 1F 37, MENO 13C 35
MOAN 1F 30 fatcat

On 12th draw, FORBY 6J 44 --- FORBY close by [prep]
Other moves: FORAY 6J 42, FORBY B10 42, FORTY 6J 42, FOY 13C 42, *F*Y 2K 41
FORTY B10 38 fatcat

On 13th draw, LARGE O1 54 --- LARGE generosity [n] --- LARGE of considerable size or quantity [adj]
Other moves: LAGER O1 51, LIGER O1 51, LAER O1 45, LAIR O1 45, LARE O1 45
CAGE A12 21 fatcat

On 14th draw, APP A1 34 --- APP a computer program for a major task [n]
Other moves: PULA 2J 30, PUNA 2J 30, PAD 2J 29, PUD 2J 29, PURDA B10 28
CLAP A12 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, HOND 13C 42 --- HOND same as hand [n]
Other tops: HODS 13C 42, HOSTA N10 42
Other moves: HOASTED C7 41, DOHS 13C 40, HONS 13C 39, HOTS 13C 39, HOD 13C 36
CHAT A12 27 fatcat

On 16th draw, ODS 14D 28 --- OD a hypothetical force of natural power [n]
Other moves: POROUS 3A 26, SIDA 9K 26, URSID N10 26, ACIDS A11 24, ACRID A11 24
CARD A12 21 fatcat

On 17th draw, MICKLE A10 42 --- MICKLE a large amount [n] --- MICKLE large [adj] --- MICKLE much or great [adj]
Other tops: MUCKLE A10 42
Other moves: LUCKIE A10 36, ICKLE A11 33, EVIL 15A 32, KILIM D1 32, VEIL 15A 32
KY 15G 9 fatcat

On 18th draw, AJIVA 9F 27 --- AJIVA inanimate matter [n]
Other tops: JEST J10 27, TAJ 13L 27
Other moves: TAJ 1D 25, RAJ 13M 24, TAJ 13M 24, JET 7A 23, ROJI C7 23
JEST J10 27 fatcat

On 19th draw, QAT 1D 47 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 1D 44, REQUIT 5A 30, QUAG 4L 28, QUAIR 3K 28, AQUA(E) E4 26
QAT 1D 47 fatcat

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