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Game on February 17, 2025 at 00:02, 5 players
1. 98 pts sunshine12
2. 98 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 79 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeortwy   H3    32    32   twyere
 2. aafhmrt   4H    28    60   warmth
 3. defgors   N2    35    95   rosed
 4. ailnrsu   K4    90   185   murlains
 5. aefknst   8J    54   239   nakfas
 6. abdegns   M1    28   267   bagh
 7. adeopqu   G7    80   347   opaqued
 8. ?eeillp   O8    86   433   sleepily
 9. adhimno  H12    51   484   homa
10. deenotv  13G    32   516   dovened
11. abcilot   O1    24   540   oca
12. efiiost  14J    31   571   fet
13. adeiort   5B    22   593   dietary
14. ceintuy   3C    39   632   tenuity
15. ?bejooz   1H    51   683   hobjob
16. aeginwz   B4    37   720   adzing
17. egioosv   A1    30   750   give
18. iinostu   E5    66   816   tuitions
19. cilorwx   2D    61   877   wox

Remaining tiles: cilr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7037 Filesunshine12  0  2:40  -779   98     1.7037 sunshine12  0  2:40  -779   98 
  2.7036 FileGLOBEMAN    0  4:20  -779   98     2.7036 GLOBEMAN    0  4:20  -779   98 
  3.7336 Fileroocatcher  0  3:27  -798   79     3.7336 roocatcher  0  3:27  -798   79 
  4.7342 FileNibbler     0  1:27  -855   22     4.7342 Nibbler     0  1:27  -855   22 
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:03  -871    6            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  0:03  -871    6 

On 1st draw, TWYERE H3 32 --- TWYERE a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace [n]
Other tops: TOWERY H7 32
Other moves: TOWERY H3 26, TOWERY H4 26, TOWERY H8 26, TWYERE H4 26, TWYERE H7 26

On 2nd draw, WARMTH 4H 28 --- WARMTH warmness [n]
Other tops: WHARF 4H 28
Other moves: AMAH G5 27, HAAF G2 27, HAAF G6 25, HAFT G6 25, AFAR G5 23

On 3rd draw, ROSED N2 35 --- ROSE to make the color of a rose (a reddish flower) [v]
Other tops: RESOD N2 35
Other moves: DOSER N2 31, FEDS N1 31, FEGS N1 31, FOGS N1 31, FOES N1 29

On 4th draw, MURLAINS K4 90 --- MURLAIN a basket [n]
Other moves: INSULAR O6 77, INSULAR 9F 72, URINALS 9B 72, LUNARIST 3A 68, URINALS G7 65

On 5th draw, NAKFAS 8J 54 --- NAKFA the standard currency unit of Eritrea [n]
Other moves: KAFTAN 8J 51, FAKES O5 44, FANKS O5 44, FENKS O5 44, FAKE O5 41

On 6th draw, BAGH M1 28 --- BAGH garden (India) [n]
Other tops: BENDAYS 5C 28, SADHE M1 28
Other moves: BADGES 9C 27, DEBAGS 9C 27, BENDYS 5D 26, BEADS G5 25, BASH M1 24

On 7th draw, OPAQUED G7 80 --- OPAQUE to make opaque [v]
Other moves: OPAQUED G8 75, OPAQUED 6C 39, QUAYD 5E 39, OPAQUE 6C 37, OPAQUES 11E 36

On 8th draw, SLEEPIL(Y) O8 86 --- SLEEPILY in a sleepy manner [adv] --- SLEEPY ready or inclined to sleep [adv]
Other moves: SPI(N)ELLE O8 80, (S)LEEPILY 5A 74, (M)ILLEPORE 7A 62, PEEL(S) H11 31, PEI(S)E H11 31

On 9th draw, HOMA H12 51 --- HOMA a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other moves: HAND H12 48, HIND H12 48, HOND H12 48, MIHA H12 46, HAIN H12 45

On 10th draw, DOVENED 13G 32 --- DOVEN to utter Jewish prayers [v]
Other moves: DEV O1 31, VEE O1 25, VET O1 25, DEVON F5 24, DEVOT F5 24

On 11th draw, OCA O1 24 --- OCA a South American herb [n]
Other tops: *B* O1 24, ACT O1 24, COLBY 5D 24, OBA O1 24
Other moves: CIBOL F5 23, ICTAL F5 23, OCTAL F5 23, BA N10 22, BLAT F6 22

On 12th draw, FET 14J 31 --- FET to fetch [v]
Other tops: FES 14J 31, FOE 14J 31
Other moves: FE 14J 28, FE N10 28, FEISTY 5C 24, FE 12L 23, FEAST 9E 22

On 13th draw, DIETARY 5B 22 --- DIETARY a system of dieting [n]
Other moves: FETIAL 14J 21, REAP 12L 21, TARP 12L 21, DOAT F6 19, TEAD 15J 19

On 14th draw, TENUITY 3C 39 --- TENUITY lack of substance or strength [n]
Other tops: CITY 4A 39
Other moves: CUNDY B2 38, UNTIDY B1 36, UNICITY C3 34, UNICITY C1 32, YITE 4A 31

On 15th draw, (H)OBJOB 1H 51 --- HOBJOB to do odd jobs [v]
Other moves: JEZEBE(L) D2 48, JE(E)P 12L 47, J(E)EP 12L 46, ZOE(A)E D1 46, JO 12L 41

On 16th draw, ADZING B4 37 --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ADZE B4 34, AZINE 2A 34, TEAZING E5 34, TZIGANE E5 34, WEAN 4A 34
ZEE D1 22 Nibbler

On 17th draw, GIVE A1 30 --- GIVE to transfer freely to another's possession [v]
Other moves: ENVOI 8A 27, VISE A1 27, OGIVES C9 26, GOOP 12L 25, OGIVE C9 24
SEG 6D 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, TUITIONS E5 66 --- TUITION a fee for instruction [n]
Other moves: OUTSIN A8 30, TOUNS A7 26, SOUT A7 23, TOUN A7 23, NOUP 12L 21
TOUNS A7 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 19th draw, WOX 2D 61 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: LUX 6D 53, OX 2E 52, XI A7 42, WEXE D2 28, WO N10 28
LUX 6D 53 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
ON 8A 6 chunk88

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