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Game on February 17, 2025 at 01:32, 5 players
1. 316 pts sunshine12
2. 32 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 32 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelrttt   H8    66    66   tattler
 2. ddeelot  11E    36   102   dottled
 3. ?dilorv  13F    82   184   overgild
 4. aaefgou  10J    31   215   fag
 5. ?beimnu   L3    76   291   umbering
 6. gioostu  15D    48   339   gouts
 7. aejnnor  10D    54   393   raj
 8. agopruy   M3    35   428   pay
 9. beehikr   8K    36   464   hiker
10. eeirsuw  N10    44   508   weise
11. deinoqy   N2    47   555   noyed
12. einossx   2I    40   595   oxen
13. acemnor   1D   103   698   cremona
14. abeiioq   K5    30   728   ab
15. hinoosu   O1    42   770   huns
16. aefinor   2F    30   800   fa
17. aeiopsu  15L    36   836   pise
18. aeiilno   3G    26   862   aine
19. aegiirt   D1    20   882   cigaret
20. ciloouw  12A    32   914   wilco
21. iioquvz   G6    56   970   quiz

Remaining tiles: iov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7043 Filesunshine12  2  9:55  -654  316     1.7043 sunshine12  2  9:55  -654  316 
  2.7036 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:15  -938   32     2.7036 GLOBEMAN    0  1:15  -938   32 
  3.7119 Fileroocatcher  0  1:55  -938   32     3.7119 roocatcher  0  1:55  -938   32 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:32  -940   30            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:09  -944   26     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:32  -940   30 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:09  -944   26 

On 1st draw, TATTLER H8 66 --- TATTLER one that tattles [n]
Other moves: TARTLET H5 64, TATTLER H5 64, LATTER H3 14, LATTER H4 14, LATTER H7 14

On 2nd draw, DOTTLED 11E 36 --- DOTTLED foolish [adj]
Other moves: DELETED 13C 24, DELETED 13G 24, TODDLER 14B 22, DOTTLED 11F 18, TODDLE 13C 18

On 3rd draw, OVER(G)ILD 13F 82 --- OVERGILD to gild over [v]
Other tops: OVERIDL(E) 13F 82, OVERL(A)ID 13F 82, OVER(M)ILD 13F 82
Other moves: EVILDO(E)R 13H 80, (F)RIVOLED 13B 78, (E)VILDOER 13B 76, OV(E)RIDLE 13A 74, LOVE(B)IRD J8 71

On 4th draw, FAG 10J 31 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other tops: FEG 10J 31, FOG 10J 31
Other moves: FAA 10J 30, FAE 10J 30, FEU 10J 30, FOE 10J 30, FOU 10J 30

On 5th draw, UMBE(R)ING L3 76 --- UMBER to colour with a brown pigment [v]
Other tops: BEMU(S)ING L3 76, EMBU(S)ING L3 76, EMB(R)UING L3 76
Other moves: NIMBU(S)ED E4 74, UNIMB(U)ED E4 74, (U)NIMBUED E4 74, BI(T)UMEN G3 72, BI(T)UMEN I3 72

On 6th draw, GOUTS 15D 48 --- GOUT a metabolic disease [n]
Other moves: GIUSTO 15E 45, GIUST 15E 42, GUSTO 15F 42, GIOS 15E 39, GIST 15F 39

On 7th draw, RAJ 10D 54 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JET 10F 53, REJON 2H 41, JANE 2J 40, JANN 2J 40, JOINER 8J 39

On 8th draw, PAY M3 35 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other tops: GAPY M1 35, PUY M3 35, PYA M3 35, ROGUY M1 35
Other moves: POGY M1 33, PRAY M2 33, ROPY M1 33, GAY M3 31, G*Y M3 31
PAY M3 35 sunshine12

On 9th draw, HIKER 8K 36 --- HIKER one that hikes [n]
Other moves: BIKER 8K 33, BIKIE 8K 33, KIBEI 8K 33, KIRBEH G4 33, KIRBEH I4 33
KEB N4 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, WEISE N10 44 --- WEISE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other moves: SWEE N3 30, RESEW N11 28, WEIRS 12A 28, WIRES 12A 28, WISER N11 28
SWEE N3 30 chunk88, sunshine12
WEISE N4 26 BadBoyBen

On 11th draw, NOYED N2 47 --- NOY to vex [v]
Other moves: YODE 15L 46, DOYEN N2 43, YODE N2 35, DOYEN 2H 30, DEY N4 29
YODE 15L 46 sunshine12

On 12th draw, OXEN 2I 40 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other tops: EXON 2I 40
Other moves: ILEX L12 38, NIX I7 38, NOX I7 38, SEX I7 38, SIX I7 38
SOX I7 38 sunshine12

On 13th draw, CREMONA 1D 103 --- CREMONA an early woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: ROMANCER D3 80, ROMANCE 3C 79, ROMANCE G2 67, CREMONA G2 65, CARMEN 1F 45
CARMEN 1F 45 sunshine12

On 14th draw, AB K5 30 --- AB an abdominal muscle [n]
Other moves: OBE 3H 26, BE 3I 25, AE K5 24, QI G7 23, QI I7 23
OBE 3H 26 sunshine12

On 15th draw, HUNS O1 42 --- HUN a barbarous, destructive person [n]
Other tops: HISN 15L 42, HONS O1 42, HUSO 15L 42
Other moves: IONS O1 33, NISH 15L 33, NOSH 15L 33, ONOS O2 33, OONS O1 33

On 16th draw, FA 2F 30 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: FE 2F 30
Other moves: EF 2E 28, INFARE 3E 28, AFIRE 3F 27, AFORE 3F 27, ERF O10 26
INFARE 3E 28 sunshine12

On 17th draw, PISE 15L 36 --- PISE rammed earth or clay [n]
Other tops: PASE 15L 36, PESO 15L 36, PISO 15L 36, POSE 15L 36
Other moves: PASE 3G 34, PISE 3G 34, POSE 3G 34, PAISE 15K 33, PAUSE 15K 33
POSE 15L 36 sunshine12

On 18th draw, AINE 3G 26 --- AINE elder (masculine form) [adj]
Other tops: ALOE 3G 26, LANE 3G 26, LINE 3G 26, LONE 3G 26
Other moves: ANE 3H 18, ONE 3H 18, NE 3I 17, OE 3I 17, ALIENOR D4 16

On 19th draw, CIGARET D1 20 --- CIGARET a narrow roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking [n]
Other tops: GAITER 4B 20
Other moves: ARTI 4F 18, CAGIER D1 18, GATER 4C 18, RETAG 14A 18, TIGER 4C 18

On 20th draw, WILCO 12A 32 --- WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj]
Other moves: COW I7 26, CLOW I6 25, LOW I7 22, OIL 4H 22, COW 9C 20

On 21th draw, QUIZ G6 56 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: QUIZ B10 42, ZIG 3B 26, ZORI 5B 26, LUZ C12 24, RIZ 5D 24

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