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Game on February 17, 2025 at 02:23, 4 players
1. 28 pts sunshine12
2. 16 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 16 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimqstu   H8    54    54   umiaqs
 2. bdeiios   9G    68   122   imbodies
 3. adnortw   M6    76   198   danewort
 4. ?aefhry  14I    50   248   afresh
 5. ?bdeefj  15D    75   323   jeffed
 6. aeemnst  11D    90   413   emanates
 7. aelopru   K3    74   487   poulardes
 8. aeiklos   3H    80   567   soaplike
 9. bdegily   O1    45   612   gleyed
10. acgiloy   2F    41   653   coaly
11. bghioot   H1    42   695   basho
12. agirrtv  12A    28   723   viga
13. airttuv  A12    30   753   viva
14. norttux  15N    32   785   ox
15. cegrtuu   L1    26   811   culet
16. einnort   8J    28   839   ironer
17. eginntu  13C    25   864   ungets
18. iinprtw   4C    24   888   inwith

Remaining tiles: nnprrtz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7068 Filesunshine12  0  1:50  -860   28     1.7068 sunshine12  0  1:50  -860   28 
  2.7051 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:49  -872   16     2.7051 GLOBEMAN    0  0:49  -872   16 
  3.7119 Fileroocatcher  0  1:18  -872   16     3.7119 roocatcher  0  1:18  -872   16 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:40  -884    4            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:40  -884    4 

On 1st draw, UMIAQS H8 54 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: QUIMS H4 52, UMIAQ H8 52, QUAIS H4 48, QUASI H4 48, QUATS H4 48

On 2nd draw, IMBODIES 9G 68 --- IMBODY to form into a body [v]
Other moves: BIOS I11 25, BIO I11 24, OBI I10 22, BODIES 13C 20, DEBOSS 13C 20

On 3rd draw, DANEWORT M6 76 --- DANEWORT a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: SANDWORT 13H 76
Other moves: TEARDOWN M8 74, DRAW 8L 39, DROW 8L 39, WADT 10J 37, WAND 10J 37

On 4th draw, AFRE(S)H 14I 50 --- AFRESH anew [adv]
Other moves: FRE(S)H 14J 48, FAR(S)E 14J 42, HEA(D)Y L11 39, HEA(P)Y L11 39, HEA(V)Y L11 39

On 5th draw, JEF(F)ED 15D 75 --- JEFF to ruthlessly downsize an organisation [v]
Other tops: JE(F)FED 15D 75
Other moves: BEJ(A)DED K5 68, BEJADE(D) 11E 64, BEJADE(S) 11E 64, BEJA(D)ED 11E 64, BEJ(A)DE 15D 56

On 6th draw, EMANATES 11D 90 --- EMANATE to send forth [v]
Other moves: ENTAMES N1 79, TAMENESS 13B 79, STAMENED K2 72, TAMENESS 13A 72, STAMENED 6F 65

On 7th draw, POULARDES K3 74 --- POULARDE a spayed hen [n]
Other moves: LEAPROUS 13A 72, POULARDE 6G 65, LOANER 8J 31, LEAP 10C 28, LOUP 10C 28

On 8th draw, SOAPLIKE 3H 80 --- SOAPLIKE resembling soap [adj]
Other moves: LEAK 10C 40, SOAK 10C 40, OAK 10D 39, KAIES L1 38, KOI 10F 36

On 9th draw, GLEYED O1 45 --- GLEY a clay soil layer [adj] --- GLEY to squint [v]
Other moves: BEIGY 2F 43, EYELID O3 42, GLEBY 2F 42, GLEBY O1 42, EDGILY 2E 40

On 10th draw, COALY 2F 41 --- COALY containing coal [adj]
Other moves: CAGILY 2E 39, COSY H1 39, GAILY 2F 38, COALY 12A 37, CAGY 2G 36

On 11th draw, BASHO H1 42 --- BASHO a Sumo wrestling tournament [n]
Other moves: BHOOT 4I 40, BASH H1 39, BOOTH 4D 38, BOH 10D 37, BOOH 10C 36

On 12th draw, VIGA 12A 28 --- VIGA a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture [n]
Other moves: VAIR 12A 26, VALI L1 26, VITA 12A 26, GRAV 12L 24, KATI N3 24

On 13th draw, VIVA A12 30 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: VALI L1 26, KATI N3 24, URVA 13C 23, TRIVIA B10 22, VATU 10B 22

On 14th draw, OX 15N 32 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: NOX 8M 32
Other moves: NOX N5 30, TUX N5 30, SOX N9 28, KNOUT N3 27, KORUN N3 27

On 15th draw, CULET L1 26 --- CULET a piece of armour for the lower back [n]
Other moves: GRUTCH 4C 24, UTERUS 13C 23, GLUTE L2 22, CLEG L2 21, LUGE L3 21

On 16th draw, IRONER 8J 28 --- IRONER a machine for pressing clothes [n]
Other moves: INERTS 13C 23, INNERS 13C 23, INTERS 13C 23, INTROS 13C 23, IRONES 13C 23

On 17th draw, UNGETS 13C 25 --- UNGET to disown [v]
Other moves: UNITES 13C 23, UNTIES 13C 23, UNTINS 13C 23, GUSTIE 13F 21, TIGES N5 20
GRIN 12L 12 sunshine12

On 18th draw, INWITH 4C 24 --- INWITH within [adv]
Other tops: WINES N5 24, WIRES N5 24, WITES N5 24
Other moves: YAWP J2 23, PINES N5 22, YAWN J2 19, NITES N5 18, PIONER J7 18
VIN 14A 16 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
GUN C12 4 chunk88

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