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Game on February 17, 2025 at 03:06, 5 players
1. 214 pts sunshine12
2. 28 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 16 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degmnoy   H3    32    32   myogen
 2. ?adiiot   8H    77   109   nidation
 3. agilnoy   L6    74   183   antilogy
 4. bbeemrt   3H    26   209   member
 5. abdfhow   2I    46   255   dhow
 6. aeeilst   J5    63   318   leadiest
 7. ?einruv  11E    94   412   revulsion
 8. cdeinpu   E8    63   475   unpriced
 9. elorsuu   1K    30   505   roues
10. abhiprz  15A    48   553   izard
11. ahiorrs  F13    35   588   has
12. abosttu  N10    30   618   tsuba
13. aeiorrw  B11    34   652   warez
14. fgiinot   1D    43   695   finito
15. aegjnpt  H11    51   746   upjet
16. delnorv   4L    42   788   derv
17. aalnoot  M10    31   819   anno
18. akloqtx   A8    47   866   taxol
19. cefgklq   4C    36   902   feckly

Remaining tiles: gq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7105 Filesunshine12  0  8:32  -688  214     1.7105 sunshine12  0  8:32  -688  214 
  2.7051 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:56  -874   28     2.7051 GLOBEMAN    0  1:56  -874   28 
  3.7119 Fileroocatcher  0  0:28  -886   16     3.7119 roocatcher  0  0:28  -886   16 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:47  -888   14            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:23  -892   10     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:47  -888   14 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:23  -892   10 

On 1st draw, MYOGEN H3 32 --- MYOGEN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: GEMONY H7 32
Other moves: MYOGEN H4 30, DOGEY H8 28, GEMONY H4 28, MONEY H8 28, GEMONY H3 26

On 2nd draw, NIDATIO(N) 8H 77 --- NIDATION attachment of a blastocyst to the uterus wall [n]
Other tops: AD(D)ITION 8A 77, A(D)DITION 8A 77, A(U)DITION 8A 77, DI(L)ATION 8A 77, ID(E)ATION 8A 77, IODATI(O)N 8A 77, I(O)DATION 8A 77, (N)IDATION 8A 77
Other moves: DIATOMI(C) 3C 74, DA(K)OITI G7 67, DA(K)OITI I7 67, IODATIO(N) 5B 66, IODATIO(N) 5G 66

On 3rd draw, ANTILOGY L6 74 --- ANTILOGY a contradiction in terms of ideas [n]
Other moves: ONLAY G3 37, LOGANIA K5 32, YONI I3 32, MANGILY 3H 28, MOYLING 3H 28
YON I3 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 4th draw, MEMBER 3H 26 --- MEMBER a distinct part of a whole [n]
Other moves: BREEM I1 24, EBB G3 24, EBB M13 24, MEE I3 24, RETEAM K4 24
BYE 13K 16 roocatcher
BOB 11K 14 chunk88

On 5th draw, DHOW 2I 46 --- DHOW an Arabian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: WHOA 2I 44, HAW 2J 41, HOW 2J 41, WHA 2I 41, WHO 2I 41
HOW 2J 41 sunshine12
WO 11K 10 BadBoyBen

On 6th draw, LEADIEST J5 63 --- LEADY resembling lead [adj]
Other moves: STEAL 4K 31, STEEL 4K 31, STEIL 4K 31, STELA 4K 31, STELE 4K 31
LEATS 1K 30 sunshine12

On 7th draw, REVU(L)SION 11E 94 --- REVULSION [n]
Other moves: (S)OUVENIR N7 86, VEN(T)URI 1C 84, UN(D)RIVE(N) O1 80, VIRU(L)ENT 12C 72, IN(C)URVES 11C 70
REVI(E) 1K 36 sunshine12

On 8th draw, UNPRICED E8 63 --- PRICE to set a value on [adj] --- UNPRICED not priced [adj]
Other moves: PINOCLE 5E 44, PUNCED H10 36, EPIC 1L 34, PUNCED 12A 33, UPEND H11 33

On 9th draw, ROUES 1K 30 --- ROUE a lecherous man [n]
Other tops: LORES 1K 30, LOSER 1K 30, LOURE 1K 30, LOURS 1K 30, LOUSE 1K 30, ROLES 1K 30, ROULE 1K 30, ROULS 1K 30, ROUSE 1K 30, SOLER 1K 30, SOREL 1K 30
Other moves: USURE N2 27, USURE N10 26, OLES 1J 25, ORES 1J 25, OLE 1J 24

On 10th draw, IZARD 15A 48 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: DARZI 15E 45, PRAHU 8A 42, RUPIAH H10 42, HAZIER 14A 40, HAZER 14B 38

On 11th draw, HAS F13 35 --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other moves: HURRAS H10 30, SOPH 10C 30, NOAHS M11 29, ROSHI 1E 28, SHIRR N11 28

On 12th draw, TSUBA N10 30 --- TSUBA a part of a Japanese sword [n]
Other moves: AUSUBO H10 27, BUTUTS H10 27, BACHS 13C 26, SABOT N11 26, BANTUS 9C 25
BACHS 13C 26 sunshine12

On 13th draw, WAREZ B11 34 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: WIZ B13 30, WAVIER G9 29, OWCHE 13C 28, REW 4L 28, AWE O13 27
WAVIER G9 29 sunshine12

On 14th draw, FINITO 1D 43 --- FINITO finished [adj]
Other moves: OFT M13 33, FINITO A6 32, OF M13 31, FIGO A8 29, INGOT A8 29

On 15th draw, UPJET H11 51 --- UPJET to spout up [v]
Other moves: JUGATE H10 48, PAGE O12 44, PANG O12 43, PEAG O12 43, PANE O12 40

On 16th draw, DERV 4L 42 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other moves: DEVON A8 38, DEVOUR 8A 33, DEV 4L 32, DELO 4L 30, DERN 4L 30

On 17th draw, ANNO M10 31 --- ANNO in the year [prep]
Other moves: ATONAL A7 29, NATAL A8 26, NOTAL A8 26, TALON A8 26, TOLAN A8 26
NALA O12 24 sunshine12

On 18th draw, TAXOL A8 47 --- TAXOL a medicinal substance from a yew tree [n]
Other moves: OTAKU 8A 42, ALKOXY 4C 40, TIX I7 40, LAX D6 35, LOX D6 35

On 19th draw, FECKLY 4C 36 --- FECKLY almost [adv]
Other tops: FLECKY 4C 36
Other moves: CLEF 2B 28, FLECK D1 28, FECK D1 26, GECKO 5D 24, FLEG C9 22

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