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Game on February 17, 2025 at 15:17, 5 players
1. 247 pts LongJump22
2. 202 pts Mycophot
3. 200 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adektuv   H4    28    28   veduta
 2. aeeimnu   4E    76   104   mauveine
 3. aaaeips   M1    28   132   paisa
 4. efhinot   K2    78   210   fenthion
 5. adeimor   8J    36   246   domier
 6. eirsstw   N6    65   311   sweirest
 7. aacdeht  12G    80   391   catheads
 8. ?deiory   E2    76   467   remodify
 9. ?beefno  11H    40   507   beefy
10. bnoruwy   2B    38   545   worry
11. abilopr   D9    81   626   bipolar
12. aeggkln   1A    41   667   lake
13. aeglnqv   3A    42   709   venge
14. ginooru   A3    33   742   vigoro
15. cgillou   O1    29   771   loculi
16. annoqst  15C    45   816   tranqs
17. gjnnotu   G9    34   850   jo
18. gnntuxz   I3    38   888   zex

Remaining tiles: gnntu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5403 FileLongJump22  4  2:40  -641  247     1.7677 Mycophot    4  8:44  -686  202 
  2.7677 FileMycophot    4  8:44  -686  202     2.7739 queen66     3  6:32  -688  200 
  3.7739 Filequeen66     3  6:32  -688  200     3.7172 VVVVVV1112  2  2:32  -734  154 
  4.7172 FileVVVVVV1112  2  2:32  -734  154     4.7694 moonmonkey  2  2:21  -810   78 
  5.7694 Filemoonmonkey  2  2:21  -810   78            Group: novice
                                             1.5403 LongJump22  4  2:40  -641  247 

On 1st draw, VEDUTA H4 28 --- VEDUTA a view of the town [n]
Other tops: VAUTED H4 28
Other moves: VAUTE H4 24, VAUTED H7 24, DUVET H4 22, VAUTED H3 22, VAUTED H8 22
VAUTED H4 28 LongJump22, queen66, Mycophot

On 2nd draw, MAUVEINE 4E 76 --- MAUVEINE a mauve dye [n]
Other moves: AMENE G6 26, AMENE I6 26, AMINE G6 26, AMINE I6 26, ANIME G6 26
MAUVEINE 4E 76 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
MAUVEINE 4E 26 queen66

On 3rd draw, PAISA M1 28 --- PAISA a coin of Pakistan [n]
Other tops: PAISE M1 28
Other moves: APES M1 26, APSE M2 26, PAIS M1 26, PAISE 5D 26, PASE M2 26
PAISA M1 28 Mycophot

On 4th draw, FENTHION K2 78 --- FENTHION an insecticide [n]
Other moves: HEFTE 5G 38, FOEHN 3C 36, EOTHEN 5D 35, TOPHE 1K 33, TOPHI 1K 33
FENTHION K2 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 5th draw, DOMIER 8J 36 --- DOMY like a dome [adj]
Other moves: DREAM 3C 35, MERED 5E 35, MIRED 5E 35, REAMED 5D 35, ROAMED 5D 35
MOIDER L8 33 queen66, Mycophot

On 6th draw, SWEIREST N6 65 --- SWEIR slothful [adj]
Other tops: WAISTERS F3 65, WAITRESS F3 65, WASTRIES F3 65
Other moves: WEISES 5D 32, WESTER 5D 32, STEWS 10K 31, SPEW 1L 30, STEW 10K 30
SWEIREST N6 65 LongJump22

On 7th draw, CATHEADS 12G 80 --- CATHEAD a beam projecting from a ship's bow [n]
Other moves: THECA O11 55, AHEAD O11 52, HADE O12 47, HAED O12 47, HEAD O12 47
CADET J6 33 Mycophot

On 8th draw, REMODI(F)Y E2 76 --- MODIFY to change in form or character [v] --- REMODIFY to modify again [v]
Other tops: EM(B)RYOID E3 76
Other moves: RE(B)ODY 3B 42, DIRE(L)Y 3B 40, R(E)EDY 3C 40, R(H)ODY 3C 40, (G)RODY 3C 40

On 9th draw, BEEF(Y) 11H 40 --- BEEFY brawny [adj]
Other moves: BEEF 11H 39, BO(U)F(F)E 8A 39, FEEB 11H 38, BEFO(R)E D7 36, BE(E)F 11H 36
BEEF(Y) 11H 40 Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey

On 10th draw, WORRY 2B 38 --- WORRY to feel anxious and uneasy about something [v]
Other moves: BY 10I 37, BARBY H11 36, BURRY 2B 36, UPBY 1L 36, BROWNY D9 35
WORRY 2B 38 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 11th draw, BIPOLAR D9 81 --- BIPOLAR having two poles [adj]
Other moves: PAOLI 1E 42, PAROL 1E 42, POLAR 1E 42, PORAL 1E 42, PAIL 1E 39
EA 11N 2 Mycophot

On 12th draw, LAKE 1A 41 --- LAKE a sizable inland body of water [n]
Other moves: KLANG 1F 39, KALE 1A 37, KANE 1A 37, KANG 1F 36, KNAG 1F 36
LAKE 1A 41 queen66

On 13th draw, VENGE 3A 42 --- VENGE to take retribution for [v]
Other moves: VENAE 3A 39, AGEE 3C 34, QUEAN G3 33, VAN 3A 32, LANE 3B 31
GRAVEL 15C 30 queen66

On 14th draw, VIGORO A3 33 --- VIGORO a ball game played by women [n]
Other tops: VIGOUR A3 33
Other moves: GRIT 13K 25, GROT 13K 25, UPGO 1L 24, IRON E11 22, OURANG 14A 22
UR 15C 2 queen66

On 15th draw, LOCULI O1 29 --- LOCULUS a small, cell-like chamber [n]
Other moves: COD J6 27, OCULI 1F 26, UPGO 1L 24, OFLAG 2J 22, PIC 1M 21

On 16th draw, TRANQS 15C 45 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QANATS 14A 34, QANAT 14A 28, QAT C8 24, QUA G3 24, QAT 9G 23

On 17th draw, JO G9 34 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JEHU J10 30, JETON I3 29, JUPON 11B 28, JOG D5 26, GUANO 14B 24

On 18th draw, ZEX I3 38 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZO 10F 31, DUX M12 26, OX 6A 25, AZO 2M 24, XU C10 22

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