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Game on February 18, 2025 at 07:12, 5 players
1. 113 pts LongJump22
2. 60 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 60 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egloru   H8    68    68   lounger
 2. acelssw   8D    66   134   clawless
 3. aaeelos  15D    42   176   aloes
 4. deeeort   K8    68   244   stereoed
 5. ahiknop   D6    88   332   pachinko
 6. aefghim  L10    45   377   fehm
 7. aamstyz  C13    44   421   za
 8. efgioqt  15K    33   454   defog
 9. ?adiott   B7    72   526   mattoid
10. aamrtuw   A4    42   568   trauma
11. deilopy   6D    72   640   polypide
12. bcdenot   5G    32   672   noted
13. abirstv  E10    34   706   tais
14. aceinvv   4D    36   742   eniac
15. egirrvx   3C    37   779   grex
16. iinrruy  J13    31   810   ny
17. iinruvw  N10    34   844   virino
18. ijnruvw   J2    32   876   jived
19. bbinqru  14F    23   899   brr
20. binquuw  12A    21   920   qi

Remaining tiles: binuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5409 FileLongJump22  2  3:48  -807  113     1.7182 VVVVVV1112  1  2:26  -860   60 
  2.7182 FileVVVVVV1112  1  2:26  -860   60     2.7737 Mycophot    1  3:15  -860   60 
  3.7737 FileMycophot    1  3:15  -860   60     3.7719 moonmonkey  1  1:38  -883   37 
  4.  -  FileSSSSSS1144  1  1:57  -878   42            Group: novice
  5.7719 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:38  -883   37     1.5409 LongJump22  2  3:48  -807  113 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1144  1  1:57  -878   42 

On 1st draw, LOU(N)GER H8 68 --- LOUNGER one that lounges [n]
Other tops: REGULO(S) H2 68
Other moves: LOU(N)GER H2 66, LOU(N)GER H3 66, LOU(N)GER H4 66, LOU(N)GER H6 66, LOU(N)GER H7 66

On 2nd draw, CLAWLESS 8D 66 --- CLAWLESS having no claws [adj]
Other moves: CLAWLESS 8G 64, AWLESS 15C 63, CLAWS 15D 63, CLEWS 15D 63, SWALES 15C 63

On 3rd draw, ALOES 15D 42 --- ALOE an African plant [n]
Other tops: EALES 15D 42
Other moves: EASEL 15F 39, EASLE 15F 39, LEASE 15E 39, AALS 15E 36, ALAS 15E 36

On 4th draw, STEREOED K8 68 --- STEREO to make a type of printing plate [v]
Other moves: STEREOED J8 63, OERSTED K5 32, REESTED K5 32, ROTED 14B 31, TREED 14B 31

On 5th draw, PACHINKO D6 88 --- PACHINKO a Japanese pinball game [n]
Other moves: ANKH J11 42, HANK J10 42, HONK J10 42, KHI J13 40, KARN 14F 36

On 6th draw, FEHM L10 45 --- FEHM a medieval German criminal court [n]
Other moves: FEHM J10 44, FEHME 14J 42, MIHA J12 39, MIHA L12 39, HAEM J10 38

On 7th draw, ZA C13 44 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: MAZEY I5 42, AZYMS M6 38, SATAYS J8 38, MATZAS F7 37, MATZAS J3 37

On 8th draw, DEFOG 15K 33 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other moves: QIS J6 32, GOOF 9F 31, OF J13 31, FOGLE E5 30, FE J14 29

On 9th draw, (M)ATTOID B7 72 --- MATTOID a mentally unbalanced person [n]
Other moves: (M)ATTOIDS J1 62, A(N)TIDOTE I1 60, DATO(L)ITE I1 60, TA(R)DO J10 35, DOTA(N)T B10 34

On 10th draw, TRAUMA A4 42 --- TRAUMA a severe emotional shock [n]
Other moves: AMAUT A7 40, MAUT A8 36, TRAUMA A3 36, TURM J10 32, WARM 14F 32

On 11th draw, POLYPIDE 6D 72 --- POLYPIDE an animal with many tentacles [n]
Other moves: DOPY J10 44, DEY J10 34, DOY J10 34, DIP J10 32, DOP J10 32

On 12th draw, NOTED 5G 32 --- NOTE to write down [v]
Other moves: BONCE 5I 29, DOBLON E5 29, OBTEND 5J 29, DEBT 5I 28, ENTOMBED 13H 28

On 13th draw, TAIS E10 34 --- TAI sea bream [n]
Other moves: SITARS J8 32, AIS E11 30, RIVAS 4D 30, VITAS 4D 30, BARITE 14F 28

On 14th draw, ENIAC 4D 36 --- ENIAC an early computer [n]
Other moves: VAC 4F 27, INCAVO N10 26, VINCA 4C 26, VIVA 4D 26, VOMICA 13J 26

On 15th draw, GREX 3C 37 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: EX I8 34, OX 9H 34, REFIX 10J 33, GIVER 4J 27, GIVE 4J 25
GREX 3C 37 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 16th draw, NY J13 31 --- NY to approach [v]
Other moves: NURR J10 28, WYN G8 24, YU 14N 23, NUR J10 22, REFRY 10J 21
YU 14N 23 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, Mycophot

On 17th draw, VIRINO N10 34 --- VIRINO a hypothetical organism [n]
Other moves: WIN 4J 23, WIVED J2 20, SIRI J8 19, VINED J2 17, VIRED J2 17

On 18th draw, JIVED J2 32 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JO F14 25, WIN 4J 23, WIVED J2 20, JURE D1 19, VINED J2 17
JIVED J2 32 LongJump22

On 19th draw, BRR 14F 23 --- BRR used to indicate that one is cold [interj]
Other moves: QI 12A 21, QI 3I 21, VIN 4J 16, JIBB 2J 15, NU J10 15
QI 12A 21 LongJump22

On 20th draw, QI 12A 21 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI 3I 21
Other moves: VIN 4J 16, NU J10 15, SIN J8 15, SUN J8 15, JIB 2J 12

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