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Game on February 18, 2025 at 08:00, 8 players
1. 302 pts Chelsea
2. 246 pts LongJump22
3. 144 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeinop   H4    24    24   peined
 2. eilnoru   4C    70    94   neuropil
 3. aefirtz   J2    47   141   filazer
 4. abemotu   G9    67   208   outbeam
 5. ?afjoou  F14    54   262   ja
 6. efiortw  15D    48   310   foamier
 7. aeinopt  11E    36   346   patient
 8. ?adinsw  14I    83   429   wadings
 9. aegnost   C2    74   503   tonnages
10. eiostvx  O10    63   566   sexist
11. egilorv   8A    39   605   greve
12. adelort   2H    74   679   deflator
13. abdlnor   1D    42   721   bardo
14. cegmosv   O1    42   763   groves
15. ?hhikuu   O8    42   805   unsexist
16. ahiklow   B6    39   844   karo
17. cciilmt  12C    30   874   climb
18. chilnuy  13C    39   913   hic
19. hlntuwy   F9    34   947   lyam
20. hnqtuwy   L1    30   977   wanty

Remaining tiles: hqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7144 FileChelsea     1  8:22  -675  302     1.7144 Chelsea     1  8:22  -675  302 
  2.5409 FileLongJump22  3  3:02  -731  246     2.7737 Mycophot    3  2:44  -833  144 
  3.7737 FileMycophot    3  2:44  -833  144     3.7182 VVVVVV1112  1  2:12  -833  144 
  4.7182 FileVVVVVV1112  1  2:12  -833  144            Group: novice
  5.5510 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:19  -914   63     1.5409 LongJump22  3  3:02  -731  246 
  6.5650 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:39  -914   63     2.5510 NNNNNN1112  1  1:19  -914   63 
  7.5623 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:09  -938   39     3.5650 OOOOOO1112  1  1:39  -914   63 
  8.5670 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:31  -938   39     4.5623 LLLLLL1112  1  1:09  -938   39 
                                             5.5670 MMMMMM1112  1  1:31  -938   39 

On 1st draw, PEINED H4 24 --- PEIN to beat with a rounded hammer head [v]
Other tops: OPENED H3 24, OPINED H3 24, PIONED H4 24, PONIED H4 24
Other moves: DEPONE H4 22, OPENED H7 22, OPINED H7 22, PEINED H7 22, PENED H4 22

On 2nd draw, NEUROPIL 4C 70 --- NEUROPIL part of the nervous system in vertebrates [n]
Other moves: LOURIE I5 21, LOURE I5 20, NOULE I5 20, ROULE I5 20, LUNIER G6 19

On 3rd draw, FILAZER J2 47 --- FILAZER an officer who filed writs [n]
Other moves: FRITZ 6F 45, FRIZER F3 38, FRIZE F3 37, FRIZ F3 36, ZAIRE 6F 36

On 4th draw, OUTBEAM G9 67 --- OUTBEAM to surpass in beaming [v]
Other tops: OUTBEAM I9 67
Other moves: BAM K5 37, BATE K5 35, MATE K5 35, MOTE K5 35, REBATO 8J 33
BAM K5 37 Chelsea

On 5th draw, JA F14 54 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO F14 54
Other moves: J(A) F14 52, J(O) F14 52, AF(R)O H12 44, *F*y H12 42, FOAM(S) 15D 39
JA F14 54 Chelsea

On 6th draw, FOAMIER 15D 48 --- FOAMY covered with foam [adj]
Other moves: FOAMER 15D 45, WOF K5 44, FRAME 15D 42, WORE K5 39, WOE K5 35
WOF K5 44 Chelsea

On 7th draw, PATIENT 11E 36 --- PATIENT able to endure disagreeable circumstances without complaint [adj] --- PATIENT calm and uncomplaining [adj] --- PATIENT one who is under medical treatment [n] --- PATIENT to make calm and uncomplaining [v]
Other tops: ANTIPOT 11E 36
Other moves: RAPINE 8J 33, PINETA 3I 29, PINITE 3I 29, NEPETA 5E 28, PANTIE 14I 28
JAPE 14F 19 Chelsea

On 8th draw, WADIN(G)S 14I 83 --- WADING the act of wading [n]
Other moves: WINNA(R)DS C1 76, WARDIN(G)S F2 75, D(E)WANIS 14I 74, WINNA(R)DS C2 74, DAWNIN(G)S C1 72
SWAN K4 48 Chelsea

On 9th draw, TONNAGES C2 74 --- TONNAGE total weight in tons [n]
Other moves: NEGATONS M8 70, TONNAGES C1 70, ESTRAGON F1 65, NEGATONS C4 61, STANE K4 40
TONNAGES C1 70 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
STONE K4 40 Chelsea

On 10th draw, SEXIST O10 63 --- SEXIST one that practices sexism [n]
Other moves: EXIST O11 60, EXIT I2 44, SIXTE D6 44, SOX K5 44, SIX D6 40
SEXIST O10 63 LongJump22, Mycophot, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
EXIST O11 60 Chelsea

On 11th draw, GREVE 8A 39 --- GREVE a thicket [n]
Other tops: LIEVER 8A 39
Other moves: LIEVE 8A 36, RIEVE 8A 36, EREV 8A 33, VEGO 13J 32, GOLE K5 31

On 12th draw, DEFLATOR 2H 74 --- DEFLATOR something that deflates [n]
Other moves: DELATOR N5 68, DATER K5 33, DOTER K5 33, LADER K5 32, DALE K5 31
DEFLATOR 2H 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 13th draw, BARDO 1D 42 --- BARDO in Buddhism, a stage between death and rebirth [n]
Other moves: BORNA 1D 39, DOBLA 1D 39, DOBRA 1D 39, DORBA 1D 39, BROAD 1E 36

On 14th draw, GROVES O1 42 --- GROVE a small forested area [n]
Other moves: CROMES O1 39, GROVE O1 39, CREMS O1 36, CROME O1 36, COMBS 12D 35
GROVES O1 42 Mycophot

On 15th draw, U(N)SEXIST O8 42 --- UNSEXIST not sexist [adj]
Other moves: H(A)H K5 41, H(O)H K5 41, KURI B6 39, KURI(S) B6 39, KURU B6 39

On 16th draw, KARO B6 39 --- KARO a New Zealand shrub [n]
Other moves: HAWK L1 36, HOA K5 35, KAHAL L1 34, HARO B6 33, HAIK L12 32
KARO B6 39 Mycophot

On 17th draw, CLIMB 12C 30 --- CLIMB to ascend [v]
Other moves: CACTI L1 24, LIMB 12D 24, MALIC L1 24, ACMIC L2 22, CALM L1 22

On 18th draw, HIC 13C 39 --- HIC used to represent a hiccup [interj]
Other tops: CHIN 13B 39
Other moves: LYAM F9 34, HIN 13C 33, CHI 13B 32, THINLY M2 32, HAILY L1 30
CHIN 13B 39 LongJump22

On 19th draw, LYAM F9 34 --- LYAM a leash [n]
Other moves: WALTY L1 30, WANLY L1 30, WANTY L1 30, YAM F10 29, YU 10F 29

On 20th draw, WANTY L1 30 --- WANTY a horse's belt [n]
Other moves: QUIN L12 28, QUIT L12 28, WANY L1 28, YAWN L1 28, YUNX 12L 28

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