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Game on February 18, 2025 at 17:55, 2 players
1. 205 pts Pacific
2. 157 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeorsv   H7    76    76   resolve
 2. deemttz  14F    44   120   zed
 3. adgirvy  11B    80   200   gravidly
 4. efmnoru  10F    34   234   mooner
 5. eiinort   8H    77   311   erionite
 6. ?ailpuu  14A    38   349   opalized
 7. deginsu   N1    74   423   dungiest
 8. deefitx  15A    64   487   fix
 9. ajostwy   1L    45   532   wady
10. aceorst   C5    62   594   reactors
11. abegiin   K3    98   692   baignoire
12. efhlort   8A    51   743   fecht
13. aknostu  12K    41   784   stank
14. amnoquw   J5    33   817   quai
15. abeortu   E1    70   887   tabouret
16. dellptu   B2    38   925   letup
17. adhllmo  12A    37   962   mosh
18. aeillno  O10    30   992   alkine
19. cdjloow   D2    49  1041   jow

Remaining tiles: cdlo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.  -  FilePacific     2  3:52  -836  205     1.7325 ArcticFox   1  5:12  -884  157 
  2.7325 FileArcticFox   1  5:12  -884  157            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Pacific     2  3:52  -836  205 

On 1st draw, RESO(L)VE H7 76 --- RESOLVE to make a firm decision about [v]
Other tops: EROS(I)VE H7 76, ES(T)OVER H8 76, EVO(K)ERS H3 76, OVERSE(A) H3 76, OVERSE(E) H3 76, OVERSE(T) H3 76, OVERSE(W) H3 76, OVERS(E)E H3 76, OVER(U)SE H3 76, OV(E)RSEE H3 76, O(B)SERVE H7 76, O(B)VERSE H2 76, REVE(R)SO H2 76, REVO(K)ES H2 76, REVO(T)ES H2 76, RE(M)OVES H8 76, VER(B)OSE H4 76, VE(T)OERS H4 76, (D)EVORES H2 76, (R)EVERSO H2 76
Other moves: EROS(I)VE H2 70, EROS(I)VE H3 70, EROS(I)VE H4 70, EROS(I)VE H6 70, ES(T)OVER H3 70
OVERSE(E) H3 76 Pacific

On 2nd draw, ZED 14F 44 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: MEZE G8 35, MEZE 13G 28, MZEE 13F 26, MEZE 13E 25, TEMED 14D 25
ZED 14F 44 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, GRAVID(L)Y 11B 80 --- GRAVID pregnant [adv] --- GRAVIDLY in a pregnant manner [adv]
Other moves: AGRYZED 14B 42, AGRIZED 14B 36, VIVARY 12H 30, AVID(L)Y 11D 24, VARDY 12H 24

On 4th draw, MOONER 10F 34 --- MOONER one that moons [n]
Other moves: FORAMEN D8 32, FOEN 12A 31, FERRUM C9 30, FORERUN C7 30, FORMER C9 30
FROM 15D 28 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, ERIONITE 8H 77 --- ERIONITE a type of mineral [n]
Other tops: ERIONITE 8A 77
Other moves: INTERIOR C7 70, ERIONITE 13H 68, INTERIOR K3 66, INTERIOR K6 66, ERIONITE J3 60

On 6th draw, (O)PALIZED 14A 38 --- OPALIZED converted into opal [adj]
Other moves: UP(G)AZED 14B 36, UP(S)IZED 14B 36, PILU(L)A 15A 35, PI(L)ULA 15A 35, (C)UPULA 15A 35

On 7th draw, DUNGIEST N1 74 --- DUNGY filthy [adj]
Other moves: DENIS 15A 38, DENI 15A 33, DESI 15A 33, UNDOERS K5 32, GUDES 13A 30

On 8th draw, FIX 15A 64 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: XI 15A 55, FETID 15A 54, DEX 15A 52, EXITED 13H 44, FED 15A 40
XI 15A 55 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 9th draw, WADY 1L 45 --- WADY the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: WAS 13C 42, WAT 13C 42, JOTAS D8 40, WADS 1L 36, WADT 1L 36

On 10th draw, REACTORS C5 62 --- REACTOR one that reacts [n]
Other tops: ACROTERS C5 62, CREATORS C5 62
Other moves: RAS 13C 30, RAT 13C 30, REO 13C 30, RES 13C 30, RET 13C 30

On 11th draw, BAIGNOIRE K3 98 --- BAIGNOIRE
Other moves: INCAGE 8A 30, BICE 8A 27, BEANING 3I 26, BEGAN B2 26, BIGAE B2 26

On 12th draw, FECHT 8A 51 --- FECHT to fight [v]
Other moves: ORCHEL 8A 45, ROCHET 8A 45, TOCHER 8A 45, ETCH 8A 39, LECH 8A 39

On 13th draw, STANK 12K 41 --- STANK a pond [n] --- STANK to dam [v]
Other tops: STONK 12K 41, STUNK 12K 41
Other moves: ANKUS F4 33, KOSS 12A 33, ONKUS F4 33, SANKO 12K 33, OKAS F5 32

On 14th draw, QUAI J5 33 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other tops: KNOW O12 33
Other moves: QORMA 5A 32, MAW B4 31, MOW B4 31, ANOW B3 30, WOMAN B2 30

On 15th draw, TABOURET E1 70 --- TABOURET a small drum [n]
Other tops: OBTURATE E2 70
Other moves: BERTHA D4 30, KBAR O12 30, KERB O12 30, KRAB O12 30, BANTER N10 28
KERB O12 30 Pacific

On 16th draw, LETUP B2 38 --- LETUP a lessening or relaxation [n]
Other moves: PULLED B1 35, PULED B2 33, UPLED B2 33, KELP O12 30, KEPT O12 30
KELP O12 30 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, MOSH 12A 37 --- MOSH to engage in frenzied dancing with others at a rock concert [v]
Other tops: HAM F2 37, HOM F2 37
Other moves: WHAM L1 36, WHOM L1 36, HAD F2 35, HOD F2 35, HONDA N10 34

On 18th draw, ALKINE O10 30 --- ALKINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: LIONEL F2 28, KAIE O12 24, KAIL O12 24, KAIN O12 24, KALE O12 24

On 19th draw, JOW D2 49 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JOL D2 37, WOO F2 33, DOW D2 31, BL*WJ*B 3E 30, WO F2 30

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