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Game on February 18, 2025 at 21:45, 5 players
1. 276 pts sunshine12
2. 180 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 129 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadefrw   H8    32    32   dwarf
 2. ?aaegrs   8H    83   115   damagers
 3. deehiot  11E    44   159   theroid
 4. ?begtuw   H8    42   201   dwarfest
 5. aefnrtu   O3    65   266   aftersun
 6. einsuvy   9E    28   294   viewy
 7. iklmoss   M1    88   382   mosslike
 8. bejlnor   7I    46   428   job
 9. acdprtu  13B    82   510   captured
10. bceintu   C8    63   573   incubate
11. aehnort   1G    48   621   teraohm
12. aeilnoy   2F    37   658   liney
13. einopuw  15A    36   694   weep
14. adeelmu   D2    79   773   aemuled
15. agiinos  14C    25   798   taig
16. giinooz   C2    47   845   zoon
17. eginrsx  10J    54   899   xis
18. ailnqrv   8A    42   941   qaid
19. egiilno   N8    26   967   roiling

Remaining tiles: enorv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7139 Filesunshine12  4  9:06  -691  276     1.7139 sunshine12  4  9:06  -691  276 
  2.7051 FileGLOBEMAN    2  5:36  -787  180     2.7051 GLOBEMAN    2  5:36  -787  180 
  3.7216 Fileroocatcher  2  3:46  -838  129     3.7216 roocatcher  2  3:46  -838  129 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:34  -934   33            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:04  -942   25     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:34  -934   33 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:04  -942   25 

On 1st draw, DWARF H8 32 --- DWARF an extremely small person [n] --- DWARF extremely small [adj] --- DWARF to cause to appear small [v]
Other moves: WAFER H4 30, AFEARD H3 28, DWARF H4 28, DARAF H8 26, FADER H4 26

On 2nd draw, DA(M)AGERS 8H 83 --- DAMAGER one that damages [n]
Other tops: SA(G)GARED 8A 83
Other moves: (B)AGARRES 11D 82, (B)ARRAGES 11E 82, DRA(Y)AGES 8H 80, SA(V)EGARD 8A 80, AGAR(O)SE 13C 79

On 3rd draw, THEROID 11E 44 --- THEROID resembling a beast [adj]
Other moves: DIETHER N2 38, TOWHEE 9F 29, WHID 9H 28, DOH 9K 26, WHEE 9H 26

On 4th draw, DWARFE(S)T H8 42 --- DWARF extremely small [adj]
Other moves: BEW(I)G 10J 33, B(O)WGET 10J 31, BEW(E)T 10J 30, B(E)WET 10J 29, B(O)WET 10J 29

On 5th draw, AFTERSUN O3 65 --- AFTERSUN a moisturiser to soothe sunburn [n]
Other moves: AFTER(S)UN 14C 64, FEATURE 13G 30, FEATURE M7 30, TUFA 7K 27, ENUF 7J 26

On 6th draw, VIEWY 9E 28 --- VIEWY showy [adj]
Other moves: SENVY 12J 27, VENUS 10B 27, VINES 10B 27, NYES N2 26, SINEWY 9D 26

On 7th draw, MOSSLIKE M1 88 --- MOSSLIKE resembling moss [adj]
Other tops: MOSSLIKE 13A 88
Other moves: MOSSLIKE 6H 76, KILO 10J 37, KISS 10J 37, KOIS 10J 37, KOSS 10J 37

On 8th draw, JOB 7I 46 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JOE 7I 42, JOL 7I 42, JO 7I 39, JOBE 10B 35, JOE L2 35

On 9th draw, CAPTURED 13B 82 --- CAPTURE to take by force or cunning [v]
Other moves: PACTUM 1H 39, DRAC 10C 33, PAC 10D 33, CAPOT 2J 30, PADI 6J 28

On 10th draw, INCUBATE C8 63 --- INCUBATE to warm eggs for hatching [v]
Other moves: BITUMEN 1I 36, CENTUM 1H 33, NEUMIC 1J 33, TEC 10D 31, BUNCE B10 30
BICE 10J 27 sunshine12

On 11th draw, TERAOHM 1G 48 --- TERAOHM one trillion ohms [n]
Other moves: OPAH D12 45, NATHEMO 1H 39, ANTHEM 1H 36, HETMAN 1J 36, TOHEROA 2H 36
HARTEN 10J 35 sunshine12

On 12th draw, LINEY 2F 37 --- LINEY resembling a line [adj]
Other moves: ALEYE 15A 36, YONI 6J 33, LEY 2H 31, YA 6J 31, YO 6J 31
LINEY 2F 37 sunshine12

On 13th draw, WEEP 15A 36 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other tops: PEW 3G 36
Other moves: ENEW 15A 33, POWNIE 3B 30, NEW 3G 28, POWIN 3C 28, POWINS 4H 28
WEEP 15A 36 sunshine12

On 14th draw, AEMULED D2 79 --- AEMULE to emulate [v]
Other moves: AEMULED B2 77, DEME 3G 35, LEMED 3G 33, LEME 3G 31, TEAM 14C 31
MALI 6J 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, TAIG 14C 25 --- TAIG a catholic (derogatory), Northern Ireland [n]
Other tops: (S)AGOINS 14H 25
Other moves: AGIN E4 24, AGON E4 24, SAGO E3 24, GANOIN 10J 23, ORGANS N7 23

On 16th draw, ZOON C2 47 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other moves: ZOO C2 43, OOZING 12J 41, OOZING N10 40, ZIG B6 38, (S)IZING 14H 38
ZIG J10 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 17th draw, XIS 10J 54 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI 10J 53, SEX 3G 44, EX 3H 38, NIX E5 37, SEXING 12J 37
XIS 10J 54 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
XI J10 25 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, QAID 8A 42 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: RIZA 2A 26, VINALS 4H 26, ANVIL N10 24, AVID 8A 24, INVAR N10 24
QAID 8A 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 19th draw, ROILING N8 26 --- ROIL to make muddy [v]
Other moves: ELOIGN N10 22, HIOI L1 22, OILING N10 22, INGO 3F 21, (S)EILING 14H 21
GEN 3I 18 sunshine12

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