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Game on February 19, 2025 at 00:48, 5 players
1. 91 pts sunshine12
2. 39 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 39 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beejlnt   H4    44    44   jebel
 2. iprstuv   9C    29    73   virtus
 3. afhilop   I4    35   108   alif
 4. adgiotx   J1    43   151   axoid
 5. ?deikmn   1I    54   205   mankind
 6. adeglot   3B    87   292   gloated
 7. cehinov   E5    60   352   chevron
 8. aairsst  12B    82   434   aristas
 9. aefipsz  H12    45   479   spaz
10. abeptuu  A10    52   531   upbeat
11. ?eeilnw  13H    76   607   pinwheel
12. aeefrwy  O10    48   655   reflew
13. aegiors   J8    63   718   origanes
14. eemnntu  B10    46   764   meant
15. cdeiint   N5    71   835   incited
16. aghoruy   1G    54   889   humankind
17. noqruyy   8L    69   958   quin
18. agorryy   B2    36   994   aggry

Remaining tiles: oooory

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7164 Filesunshine12  0  3:06  -903   91     1.7164 sunshine12  0  3:06  -903   91 
  2.7094 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:22  -955   39     2.7094 GLOBEMAN    0  1:22  -955   39 
  3.7216 Fileroocatcher  0  1:53  -955   39     3.7216 roocatcher  0  1:53  -955   39 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:35  -980   14            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:43  -982   12     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:35  -980   14 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  0:43  -982   12 

On 1st draw, JEBEL H4 44 --- JEBEL a mountain [n]
Other moves: JEBEL H8 30, JEBEL H5 28, JEBEL H6 28, JEBEL H7 28, BENJ H5 26

On 2nd draw, VIRTUS 9C 29 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other moves: SPIV 9H 27, SPRUIT 9H 27, UPSTIR 9F 27, JURIST 4H 26, PURIST 9D 25

On 3rd draw, ALIF I4 35 --- ALIF an Arabic letter [n]
Other moves: FAH G5 31, FAH I5 31, FOH G5 31, FOH I5 31, FOLIA I3 31

On 4th draw, AXOID J1 43 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: AXOID 3D 31, DIXIT D8 30, OXID 3E 30, OXID J2 28, RADIX E9 26

On 5th draw, MA(N)KIND 1I 54 --- MANKIND the human race [n]
Other tops: MANKI(N)D 1I 54
Other moves: DEMA(R)K 1G 51, MANKIE(R) 1I 51, EM(B)ANK 1G 48, KON(K)ED 3I 47, ANK(L)ED 1J 45

On 6th draw, GLOATED 3B 87 --- GLOAT to regard with great or excessive satisfaction [v]
Other moves: GAOLED 3C 35, GOALED 3C 35, TOGAED 3C 35, JAILED 4H 28, GOD G5 27

On 7th draw, CHEVRON E5 60 --- CHEVRON a V-shaped pattern [n]
Other moves: HOOVEN D1 32, HOOVE D1 30, KENCH L1 28, VINIC D8 28, CION 4A 27

On 8th draw, ARISTAS 12B 82 --- ARISTA a bristlelike structure or appendage [n]
Other tops: TARSIAS 12B 82
Other moves: TARSIAS J7 65, ASSART 12C 30, ASSART 12D 30, SASTRA 12C 30, SISTRA 12C 30
BIST 6H 24 sunshine12

On 9th draw, SPAZ H12 45 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: ASSEZ H11 42, FAZES 11G 41, SPAZ J7 41, SPAZ K5 40, SIZE H12 39
SIZE H12 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, UPBEAT A10 52 --- UPBEAT an unaccented beat in a musical measure [n]
Other moves: BAPU A12 46, BATE A12 40, BEAT A12 40, BEAU A12 40, BETA A12 40
PA 2A 14 BadBoyBen
PEAT 14F 12 chunk88

On 11th draw, PINW(H)EEL 13H 76 --- PINWHEEL a child's toy resembling a windmill [n] --- PINWHEEL to move like a child's toy windmill [v]
Other moves: W(O)MA(N)KIND 1G 51, EL(S)IN K3 29, TWaT F9 28, EL(S)E K3 27, JAILIN(G) 4H 26
TW(*)T F9 28 sunshine12

On 12th draw, REFLEW O10 48 --- REFLY to fly again [v]
Other moves: WAFERY N10 46, EYEWEAR N9 42, FEGARY B1 42, FLAW O12 42, FLAY O12 42

On 13th draw, ORIGANES J8 63 --- ORIGANE marjoram [n]
Other moves: GEARS B10 37, SOARE B10 28, BISE 6H 24, IBIS 6G 24, OBIS 6G 24

On 14th draw, MEANT B10 46 --- MEAN to intend [v]
Other tops: MEANE B10 46
Other moves: MEAN B10 28, MEAT B10 28, UNWET K11 28, NEEM N11 27, TEEM N11 27

On 15th draw, INCITED N5 71 --- INCITE to arouse to action [v]
Other moves: INDICTEE M7 64, INDICTEE M6 63, IDENTIC M1 26, KINETIC L1 26, CITIED N6 24

On 16th draw, HUMA(N)KIND 1G 54 --- HUMANKIND [n]
Other moves: AGGRY B2 36, HAIR 8L 33, HUIA 8L 33, HOAR 4A 31, THAT F9 30

On 17th draw, QUIN 8L 69 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: QUA 14F 32, ONY 2L 30, YON G5 27, YOU 2L 27, KORUNY L1 26

On 18th draw, AGGRY B2 36 --- AGGRY describing specific glass beads [adj]
Other moves: YAY 2E 29, GOR G5 23, YA 2N 23, YO 2N 23, AY 4C 22

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