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Game on February 19, 2025 at 09:08, 10 players
1. 359 pts LongJump22
2. 317 pts Chelsea
3. 209 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bceehin   H8    32    32   beech
 2. ?adeqtu  11D   126   158   quatched
 3. ?afmorw   G3    83   241   wolfram
 4. iknnost   J4    74   315   inkstone
 5. adelorz   8J    51   366   toazed
 6. eeorrsv   N2    76   442   overseer
 7. aimnoru   D7    90   532   maroquin
 8. ainpsxy   5E    60   592   salpinx
 9. aefinst  14C    65   657   infantes
10. cdilnou  15H    32   689   odic
11. aeeglny  10B    35   724   elogy
12. abeinpt   M8    35   759   zeatin
13. eghiloo   H1    35   794   gloop
14. adeghpt   C3    41   835   depth
15. eginruy  12K    25   860   eying
16. abijltu   D1    45   905   jail
17. aeilruu  O10    21   926   ligure
18. airtuvw   4L    28   954   view

Remaining tiles: abrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5771 FileLongJump22  4  3:30  -595  359     1.7152 Chelsea     1 10:38  -637  317 
  2.7152 FileChelsea     1 10:38  -637  317     2.7137 VVVVVV1112  2  2:51  -745  209 
  3.7137 FileVVVVVV1112  2  2:51  -745  209     3.7746 moonmonkey  1  3:28  -827  127 
  4.7746 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:28  -827  127     4.7763 Mycophot    0  0:52  -903   51 
  5.7763 FileMycophot    0  0:52  -903   51     5.7575 queen66     0  1:21  -903   51 
  6.7575 Filequeen66     0  1:21  -903   51            Group: novice
  7.5576 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:25  -910   44     1.5771 LongJump22  4  3:30  -595  359 
  8.5603 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:48  -910   44     2.5576 NNNNNN1112  0  1:25  -910   44 
  9.5557 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:04  -918   36     3.5603 OOOOOO1112  0  1:48  -910   44 
 10.5679 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:28  -918   36     4.5557 LLLLLL1112  0  1:04  -918   36 
                                             5.5679 MMMMMM1112  0  1:28  -918   36 

On 1st draw, BEECH H8 32 --- BEECH a common forest tree [n]
Other tops: BENCH H8 32
Other moves: BEECH H4 30, BENCH H4 30, HEBEN H4 28, HENCE H4 28, CHINE H4 26

On 2nd draw, QUATC(H)ED 11D 126 --- QUATCH to stir or move [v]
Other moves: QUAT(C)HED 12C 90, DET(R)AQUE 10A 89, AQUED(U)CT 11B 88, AQ(U)EDUCT 11B 88, QUA(N)TED I3 88
QUATC(H)ED 11D 126 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
QUATC(H)ED 11D 76 moonmonkey

On 3rd draw, WO(L)FRAM G3 83 --- WOLFRAM tungsten [n]
Other tops: WO(L)FRAM I3 83
Other moves: WA(V)EFORM 9E 69, WA(V)EFORM J8 67, (L)EAFWORM 9G 67, FRA(I)M 12A 50, F(I)RM 12C 42
WO(L)FRAM I3 83 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, INKSTONE J4 74 --- INKSTONE a stone on which dry ink and water are mixed [n]
Other moves: KNITS 12B 44, SKINT 12B 44, KINS 12C 42, KIST 12C 42, KITS 12C 42
INKSTONE J4 74 LongJump22

On 5th draw, TOAZED 8J 51 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: DZO H1 44, AZOLE F1 42, AZO H1 41, ZOL F2 39, DZO F1 38
TOAZED 8J 51 moonmonkey
ZA F10 31 Chelsea

On 6th draw, OVERSEER N2 76 --- OVERSEER one that oversees [n]
Other moves: OVERSEER N3 65, OVERSEER N6 65, OVERREDS O2 63, OVERSURE E6 61, SERVER 12J 36
OVERSEER N2 76 LongJump22
SERVER 12J 36 Chelsea

On 7th draw, MAROQUIN D7 90 --- MAROQUIN goat leather [n]
Other moves: RUMINA 12A 44, ZOARIUM M8 41, MANI 12A 40, MOAI 12A 40, MOIRA 12B 40

On 8th draw, SA(L)PINX 5E 60 --- SALPINX an anatomical tube [n]
Other moves: AXIS 15A 57, PANSY 15A 54, SNIPY 15D 54, SPINY 15D 54, PAYS 15A 51
AXIS 15A 57 Chelsea

On 9th draw, INFANTES 14C 65 --- INFANTE a younger son of a Portuguese or Spanish monarch [n]
Other moves: FIESTA 15A 51, FEAST 15A 48, FEIST 15A 48, FIEST 15A 48, SNIFT 15D 48
FIESTA 15A 51 Mycophot, queen66

On 10th draw, ODIC 15H 32 --- ODIC pertaining to an ode [adj]
Other moves: LOID 15F 28, DOLCI 13I 27, IDOL 15H 26, OLID 15H 25, ULICON C3 25
LOIN 15F 24 Chelsea

On 11th draw, ELOGY 10B 35 --- ELOGY a funeral oration [n]
Other moves: AGONY 10B 34, LOGY 10C 32, AGLEY 12K 29, ELEGY 12K 29, ONY 10D 29
ONY 10D 29 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ZEATIN M8 35 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: PIETA 13C 34, BEPAT 8A 27, BIEN 13C 27, PAEAN F4 27, PIET 13C 27
PIETA 13C 34 Chelsea

On 13th draw, GLOOP H1 35 --- GLOOP to bubble slowly [v]
Other moves: HOOLIE 4F 31, HIOI 4I 28, GHI C12 27, HIE 13C 27, HELIO 4A 26
HIE 13C 27 Chelsea

On 14th draw, DEPTH C3 41 --- DEPTH deepness [n]
Other moves: DEATH C3 37, HEPTAD C3 34, HIED 13C 34, PATHED C3 34, PIETA 13C 34
HIED 13C 34 Chelsea

On 15th draw, EYING 12K 25 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: GREY 4L 24, GREY B1 24, GIEN 13C 23, GEY B2 22, GEY L12 22

On 16th draw, JAIL D1 45 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JUT 15A 32, JAB B2 31, JIB B2 31, BAIL D1 25, BAIT D1 25
JAIL D1 45 Chelsea

On 17th draw, LIGURE O10 21 --- LIGURE a precious stone [n]
Other tops: ARGULI O10 21, REGULA O10 21, REGULI O10 21
Other moves: AGILE O11 18, ALE E1 18, ARE E1 18, KIERS 6J 18, KUIAS 6J 18

On 18th draw, VIEW 4L 28 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: AW I2 24, AREW 4L 22, TREW 4L 22, KIVAS 6J 21, WAI F4 21

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