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Game on February 20, 2025 at 01:09, 5 players
1. 188 pts sunshine12
2. 22 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 21 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimoruu   H4    20    20   moria
 2. aennouy   4C    22    42   anonym
 3. ??eelnn   3A    77   119   linemen
 4. adeepst   6G    71   190   trapesed
 5. aeosttu   A1   131   321   toluates
 6. adeootv   2F    26   347   dove
 7. aadilrx   7H    42   389   ixia
 8. acdeiru   1I    86   475   decuria
 9. adefgou   3I    93   568   fougade
10. aeglrtu   B8    76   644   tegular
11. aghijny  A13    50   694   jay
12. efilttw  C13    41   735   wet
13. bbceioz   5C    58   793   bez
14. einrrsw   K5    44   837   reanswer
15. fhilmos  15C    39   876   thiols
16. fgilmno  12I    30   906   forming
17. hiklopv  N10    34   940   pinko
18. bhiiltv   8K    27   967   nihil
19. bciqrtv  11A    32   999   qubit

Remaining tiles: crv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7141 Filesunshine12  1  6:02  -811  188     1.7141 sunshine12  1  6:02  -811  188 
  2.7021 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:19  -977   22     2.7021 GLOBEMAN    0  1:19  -977   22 
  3.7216 Fileroocatcher  0  0:15  -978   21     3.7216 roocatcher  0  0:15  -978   21 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:53  -978   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:31  -993    6     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:53  -978   21 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:31  -993    6 

On 1st draw, MORIA H4 20 --- MORIA folly [n]
Other tops: AURUM H8 20, MAURI H4 20, MIAOU H4 20, MOIRA H4 20
Other moves: AMOUR H4 16, AMOUR H8 16, AURUM H4 16, MAURI H8 16, MIAOU H8 16

On 2nd draw, ANONYM 4C 22 --- ANONYM a false or assumed name [n]
Other moves: ANYONE G1 21, ANYONE I1 21, ANNOYER 6B 20, MEANY 4H 20, MONEY 4H 20
MONEY 4H 20 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, L(I)NE(M)EN 3A 77 --- LINEMAN one who installs or repairs telephone wires [n]
Other moves: EN(F)EL(O)N 3A 75, LEN(S)(M)EN I1 74, ANNE(A)LE(D) 8H 68, ANNE(A)LE(R) 8H 68, EOL(I)ENN(E) 5G 67

On 4th draw, TRAPESED 6G 71 --- TRAPES to walk in an aimless manner [v]
Other moves: REPASTED 6H 69, PEDERAST 6D 67, PREDATES 6G 67, PATED 2B 46, TAPED 2B 44

On 5th draw, TOLUATES A1 131 --- TOLUATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: OUTEATS 9B 67, OUTEATS 2G 65, OUTDATES N3 61, TATES 2B 29, SETOUT 2D 24

On 6th draw, DOVE 2F 26 --- DOVE a bird of the pigeon family [n] --- DOVE to stun [v]
Other moves: DEVA I1 24, DEVOTS L1 24, ODEA 5J 24, OVATED M2 24, TEAD 5C 24

On 7th draw, IXIA 7H 42 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: RADIX 5K 38, XI 7M 37, OX 2A 34, XI 3I 34, X(I) B2 34

On 8th draw, DECURIA 1I 86 --- DECURIA a group of ten soldiers [n]
Other moves: DECURIA 3I 79, DECURIA G8 65, CURIAE 8J 37, UREDIA 8J 32, RACED 8K 30
RAXED I5 19 sunshine12

On 9th draw, FOUGADE 3I 93 --- FOUGADE a pit filled with explosives and stones [n]
Other moves: FOUGADE B7 73, FOUGADE G8 70, FEAGUED K5 48, FADGE 3I 39, FUDGE 3I 39
FED 7M 23 sunshine12

On 10th draw, TEGULAR B8 76 --- TEGULAR resembling a tile [adj]
Other moves: TRAGULE B8 72, REGULATE M5 62, TEGULAR G8 62, TRAGULE G8 62, ARGUTE 8J 35
REGAL 8K 24 sunshine12

On 11th draw, JAY A13 50 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: HAJ A13 46, JAG A13 44, JAI A13 41, HIYA 4K 39, YAH 5K 37
JAY A13 50 sunshine12

On 12th draw, WET C13 41 --- WET covered or saturated with a liquid [adj] --- WET to impregnate with liquid [v]
Other moves: TWILT 8K 39, TWITE 8K 39, WE C13 39, IF C13 36, TEWIT 5K 32

On 13th draw, BEZ 5C 58 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: ZO 5K 48, CEAZE K5 32, ZOIC G8 27, BEZ M5 24, ZEA K5 24

On 14th draw, REANSWER K5 44 --- REANSWER to be equivalent to [v]
Other moves: TWINERS 15C 42, WEANERS K5 40, WEARERS K5 40, WEARIER K5 40, WEARIES K5 40

On 15th draw, THIOLS 15C 39 --- THIOL a sulphur compound [n]
Other moves: FILMS D9 34, FLIMS D9 34, FOHS D10 34, HOLMS D9 34, HIMS D10 32

On 16th draw, FORMING 12I 30 --- FORM to shape or produce [v] --- FORMING the process of forming [n]
Other moves: FIG C9 26, FLORIN 12H 26, FOG C9 26, GIF 4M 26, FAXING I5 25

On 17th draw, PINKO N10 34 --- PINKO a person who holds somewhat radical political views [n]
Other moves: OKEH 11I 29, HIP C9 28, HOP C9 28, OH 14E 28, HOIK J11 26
GLOP O12 21 roocatcher, chunk88
GIP O12 6 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, NIHIL 8K 27 --- NIHIL nothing [n]
Other moves: HILI O7 25, HIT C9 24, HIT 7M 22, BOTH J11 21, HI 7M 21
HIT C9 24 sunshine12

On 19th draw, QUBIT 11A 32 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: QI 14E 28, QUIRT 11A 28, GIRT O12 23, QI 11M 22, QI M11 22
QUIRT 11A 28 sunshine12

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