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Game on February 20, 2025 at 02:41, 5 players
1. 331 pts sunshine12
2. 37 pts roocatcher
3. 33 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?elnosu   H7    64    64   elusion
 2. agimnst  14B    81   145   tamings
 3. abioort   F7    62   207   abortion
 4. abcinrt  15A    43   250   cabin
 5. ?eegilo   E1    66   316   obligee
 6. aaegnor   2E    62   378   baronage
 7. addfkow   1L    63   441   wakf
 8. eeijlpr   H1    66   507   polje
 9. adeilry   N1    34   541   kaylied
10. dhirstu   O5    40   581   thirds
11. aeforuy   M3    41   622   fear
12. ceinotz   1A    57   679   zinco
13. enostvy   2A    32   711   ony
14. eemosux   I5    41   752   mux
15. adeiprt   D4    88   840   partied
16. deqsuvw  13A    33   873   dew
17. eeiorsv   J5    89   962   erosive
18. ehotuuv   A8    33   995   houted

Remaining tiles: qtuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7108 Filesunshine12  3 12:53  -664  331     1.7108 sunshine12  3 12:53  -664  331 
  2.7216 Fileroocatcher  0  0:30  -958   37     2.7216 roocatcher  0  0:30  -958   37 
  3.7021 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:30  -962   33     3.7021 GLOBEMAN    0  1:30  -962   33 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:23  -971   24            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:50  -983   12     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:23  -971   24 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:50  -983   12 

On 1st draw, ELUS(I)ON H7 64 --- ELUSION the act of eluding [n]
Other tops: ELUS(I)ON H2 64, ELUS(I)ON H3 64, ELUS(I)ON H4 64, ELUS(I)ON H6 64, ENSOUL(S) H2 64, ENSOUL(S) H3 64, ENSOUL(S) H4 64, ENSOUL(S) H7 64, ENSOUL(S) H8 64, EN(S)OULS H3 64, EN(S)OULS H4 64, EN(S)OULS H6 64, EN(S)OULS H7 64, EN(S)OULS H8 64, LEN(T)OUS H2 64, LEN(T)OUS H3 64, LEN(T)OUS H4 64, LEN(T)OUS H6 64, LEN(T)OUS H7 64, LEN(T)OUS H8 64, LEU(K)ONS H2 64, LEU(K)ONS H3 64, LEU(K)ONS H4 64, LEU(K)ONS H6 64, LEU(K)ONS H7 64, LEU(K)ONS H8 64, LOUN(G)ES H2 64, LOUN(G)ES H3 64, LOUN(G)ES H4 64, LOUN(G)ES H6 64, LOUN(G)ES H7 64, LOU(D)ENS H2 64, LOU(D)ENS H3 64, LOU(D)ENS H4 64, LOU(D)ENS H6 64, LOU(D)ENS H7 64, LOU(D)ENS H8 64, NOUSEL(L) H2 64, NOUSEL(L) H3 64, NOUSEL(L) H4 64, NOUSEL(L) H7 64, NOUSEL(L) H8 64, NOUSE(L)L H2 64, NOUSE(L)L H3 64, NOUSE(L)L H4 64, NOUSE(L)L H6 64, NOUSE(L)L H8 64, NOUSLE(D) H2 64, NOUSLE(D) H3 64, NOUSLE(D) H4 64, NOUSLE(D) H7 64, NOUSLE(D) H8 64, NOUSLE(S) H2 64, NOUSLE(S) H3 64, NOUSLE(S) H4 64, NOUSLE(S) H7 64, NOUSLE(S) H8 64, NOU(R)SLE H2 64, NOU(R)SLE H3 64, NOU(R)SLE H4 64, NOU(R)SLE H6 64, NOU(R)SLE H7 64, NOU(R)SLE H8 64, NOU(S)LES H2 64, NOU(S)LES H3 64, NOU(S)LES H4 64, NOU(S)LES H6 64, NOU(S)LES H7 64, NOU(S)LES H8 64, NO(D)ULES H3 64, NO(D)ULES H4 64, NO(D)ULES H6 64, NO(D)ULES H7 64, NO(D)ULES H8 64, SUL(F)ONE H2 64, SUL(F)ONE H3 64, SUL(F)ONE H4 64, SUL(F)ONE H6 64, SUL(F)ONE H7 64, SUL(F)ONE H8 64, UNLO(O)SE H2 64, UNLO(O)SE H3 64, UNLO(O)SE H4 64, UNLO(O)SE H6 64, UNLO(O)SE H7 64, UNLO(V)ES H2 64, UNLO(V)ES H3 64, UNLO(V)ES H4 64, UNLO(V)ES H6 64, UNLO(V)ES H7 64, UNL(O)OSE H2 64, UNL(O)OSE H3 64, UNL(O)OSE H4 64, UNL(O)OSE H6 64, UNL(O)OSE H7 64, UNL(O)OSE H8 64, UN(C)LOSE H3 64, UN(C)LOSE H4 64, UN(C)LOSE H6 64, UN(C)LOSE H7 64, UN(C)LOSE H8 64, (C)OUNSEL H2 64, (C)OUNSEL H3 64, (C)OUNSEL H6 64, (C)OUNSEL H7 64, (C)OUNSEL H8 64, (Z)ONULES H2 64, (Z)ONULES H3 64, (Z)ONULES H6 64, (Z)ONULES H7 64, (Z)ONULES H8 64
Other moves: ELUS(I)ON H5 62, ELUS(I)ON H8 62, ENSOUL(S) H5 62, ENSOUL(S) H6 62, EN(S)OULS H2 62

On 2nd draw, TAMINGS 14B 81 --- TAMING the act of taming [n]
Other tops: MATINGS 14B 81
Other moves: MASTING G9 79, MASTING 14F 75, ANTISMOG 12B 72, GIANT(I)SM 11C 70, G(I)ANTISM 11G 70
MASTING G9 29 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, ABORTION F7 62 --- ABORTION induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus [n]
Other moves: OOBIT 15A 37, ROBOT 15A 37, TABOO 15A 37, RABI 15A 32, RIBA 15A 32
ROBOT 15A 37 sunshine12

On 4th draw, CABIN 15A 43 --- CABIN to live in a cabin (a roughly built house) [v]
Other moves: BICARB 8A 39, RABI 15A 32, RIBA 15A 32, TABI 15A 32, BANI 15A 30
CABIN 15A 43 sunshine12

On 5th draw, O(B)LIGEE E1 66 --- OBLIGEE one that is obliged [n]
Other moves: I(D)EOLOGUE 9A 63, GLOBELI(K)E 8C 62, O(B)LIGEE I1 62, ELOGIE(S) I1 59, ELOGE(S) E6 25

On 6th draw, (B)ARONAGE 2E 62 --- BARONAGE the rank of a baron [n]
Other moves: GENA 13A 28, AGORAE 1C 27, GONER 1D 24, OREGANO 1E 24, OROGEN 1C 24

On 7th draw, WAKF 1L 63 --- WAKF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: KAF 1H 55, WOK 1H 53, WOF 1H 49, WADD 1L 48, DAWK 1L 47

On 8th draw, POLJE H1 66 --- POLJE (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake [n]
Other moves: JEE 1H 61, JEEP E9 45, JEEL E9 39, JOLE H1 36, ROJI H1 36

On 9th draw, KAYLIED N1 34 --- KAYLIED
Other tops: JADERY 4H 34
Other moves: YA 2N 33, YE 2N 33, LADY D4 32, RIDLEY 3J 32, YIELD 3J 32

On 10th draw, THIRDS O5 40 --- THIRD one of three equal parts [n] --- THIRD to divide by three [v]
Other moves: THIRD O5 37, HURST D4 36, HURTS D4 36, SHIRT O5 34, SHIUR O5 34
SHIRT O5 34 sunshine12

On 11th draw, FEAR M3 41 --- FEAR to be afraid of [v]
Other moves: AERY M3 38, FARO 13C 38, OARY M3 38, FAR M3 33, FER M3 33

On 12th draw, ZINCO 1A 57 --- ZINCO a zincographic block [n]
Other moves: ZOETIC 4A 54, ZOETIC D7 48, ZINCOS 10J 39, ZIN 13A 37, ZIT 13A 37
ZIT 13A 37 roocatcher
ZIT 4D 24 chunk88

On 13th draw, ONY 2A 32 --- ONY any (Scots) [adj]
Other tops: ENVOYS N10 32
Other moves: ENVOY N10 30, NOSEY I9 30, STONY I9 30, TONEY I9 30, YEST E9 27
TONY I10 25 sunshine12
YIN 4D 12 BadBoyBen

On 14th draw, MUX I5 41 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: XU D4 39, EX D3 38, EXO I6 37, SEX I5 37, SOX I5 37
MUX I5 41 sunshine12

On 15th draw, PARTIED D4 88 --- PARTY to attend a social gathering [v]
Other moves: PARTED D4 36, PARTI D4 32, DATO 13C 30, PITA 13A 30, ATT(I)RED 11E 28
PARTED D4 36 sunshine12

On 16th draw, DEW 13A 33 --- DEW to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v]
Other tops: SUQS 10H 33, SUQS 10L 33
Other moves: SQUAB C11 32, SUQ 10H 32, SEW 13A 31, WED 13A 29, WUD 13A 29
SUQS 10H 33 sunshine12

On 17th draw, EROSIVE J5 89 --- EROSIVE causing erosion [adj]
Other moves: REVISED A7 36, VISORED A7 36, OSE 3A 33, OVERED A8 33, REIVED A8 33
ROVE J6 23 sunshine12

On 18th draw, HOUTED A8 33 --- HOUT to hoot [v]
Other tops: THOUED A8 33
Other moves: HOVE K11 30, HUE K4 27, VOE E9 26, THOU C8 25, HOTE K11 24
HOVE K11 30 sunshine12

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