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Game on February 20, 2025 at 04:58, 5 players
1. 522 pts fatcat
2. 106 pts sunshine12
3. 77 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deeeor   H6    68    68   oreweed
 2. abforrt   6F    26    94   footbar
 3. eeinotw  11E    40   134   tweenie
 4. ?ceiiot   E7    59   193   picotite
 5. aehipsu  15A    49   242   heaps
 6. acimrsx  F13    52   294   ax
 7. abegisy  10J    37   331   beigy
 8. agimotu  G13    27   358   mog
 9. aklmosz   L8    63   421   zoism
10. aejkoor   5K    52   473   joker
11. adeltuv   8A   101   574   eluviated
12. ailnrsu   A2    59   633   lunaries
13. addelpy   O4    45   678   prayed
14. adhlnou   N1    39   717   haloed
15. aeginno   B1    33   750   nonage
16. acirtuw   1J    45   795   waucht
17. iilnrtu  H14    26   821   nu
18. iilrstv  B10    34   855   virile
19. fiinrst  13I    41   896   first

Remaining tiles: inq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6470 Filefatcat      1 15:22  -374  522     1.7102 sunshine12  1  5:01  -790  106 
  2.7102 Filesunshine12  1  5:01  -790  106     2.7045 GLOBEMAN    1  4:09  -819   77 
  3.7045 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:09  -819   77            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:12  -884   12     1.6470 fatcat      1 15:22  -374  522 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:44  -884   12            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  0:12  -884   12 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:44  -884   12 

On 1st draw, ORE(W)EED H6 68 --- OREWEED a type of seaweed [n]
Other moves: ORE(W)EED H2 66, ORE(W)EED H3 66, ORE(W)EED H4 66, ORE(W)EED H7 66, ORE(W)EED H8 66

On 2nd draw, FOOTBAR 6F 26 --- FOOTBAR in an aeroplane, a bar operated by feet [n]
Other moves: FORBAD 12C 24, FORBARE 11B 24, FORBEAR 11D 24, BAFT G8 23, BARF G8 23
OF I9 13 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, TWEENIE 11E 40 --- TWEENIE a housemaid [n]
Other moves: WEINER L1 26, WIENER L1 26, WINTER L1 26, TOWNEE G8 25, TOWNIE G8 25
WINTER L1 26 fatcat
NEW 5E 22 sunshine12

On 4th draw, (P)ICOTITE E7 59 --- PICOTITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: RICIE(S)T L6 32, COTI(S)E M2 28, ICIE(S)T M2 28, OECI(S)T M2 28, (S)TOIC L11 28
CO(S)TE L9 22 sunshine12
CITE 5C 17 fatcat

On 5th draw, HEAPS 15A 49 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other moves: APHIS 15A 43, EPHAS 15A 43, HAPUS 15A 43, PUHAS 15A 43, SPAHI 8A 42
HEAPS 15A 49 sunshine12
SHAPE 15E 40 fatcat

On 6th draw, AX F13 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: MASTIX 13B 46, MAXIS M2 41, RACISM M2 39, MAXIS 5K 38, XI D12 38
AXIS M3 35 fatcat

On 7th draw, BEIGY 10J 37 --- BEIGY relating to the color beige [adj]
Other moves: BIGEYE B10 36, GYBES M2 35, ABY 14A 34, ABYES M2 33, BAYES M2 33
BAYS 5K 28 fatcat

On 8th draw, MOG G13 27 --- MOG to move away [v]
Other moves: MAGOT 5K 26, MOA G13 26, MOI G13 26, MOT G13 26, MOU G13 26
MUG 5K 22 fatcat

On 9th draw, ZOISM L8 63 --- ZOISM a doctrine [n]
Other moves: AZO 5J 52, SAZ 5I 52, ZOLS 5K 50, ZAS 5K 48, ZOA 5K 48
ZAS 5K 48 fatcat

On 10th draw, JOKER 5K 52 --- JOKER one that jokes [n]
Other moves: ZERK 8L 51, JAKE 5K 50, JARK 5K 50, JERK 5K 50, JOKE 5K 50
JOKER 5K 52 fatcat

On 11th draw, ELUVIATED 8A 101 --- ELUVIATE to undergo a transfer of materials in the soil [v]
Other moves: VAULTED 5A 80, ELUVIATE 8A 45, ELUVIA 8A 39, ZEAL 8L 39, ZETA 8L 39
TRAVEL O4 30 fatcat

On 12th draw, LUNARIES A2 59 --- LUNARY the moonwort fern [n]
Other moves: AZURN 8K 42, IZARS 8K 42, ZILA 8L 39, ZINS 8L 39, LAIKS M2 31
SAIL 13L 25 fatcat

On 13th draw, PRAYED O4 45 --- PRAY to intercede or ask earnestly [v]
Other moves: DRAPEY O4 42, PREDY O4 42, DRAYED O4 39, ZEAL 8L 39, DRAPED O4 36
PAYER O1 33 fatcat

On 14th draw, HALOED N1 39 --- HALO to form a halo (a ring of light) [v]
Other moves: HANDLE B10 36, HONDLE B10 36, ALOED N2 31, DONAH B1 31, LOUED N2 31
HONK M2 22 fatcat

On 15th draw, NONAGE B1 33 --- NONAGE a period of immaturity [n]
Other moves: AGONE B2 31, GAEING 15G 30, INANE B2 28, AG O1 27, GANOINE 15G 27
AG O1 27 fatcat

On 16th draw, WAUCHT 1J 45 --- WAUCHT to drink deeply [v]
Other moves: URACHI 1J 36, AW O1 35, RICHT 1K 33, TACK M2 33, CURATE B10 28
AW O1 35 fatcat

On 17th draw, NU H14 26 --- NU a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: LOUND 9K 19, ROUND 9K 19, GLINT 15G 18, GRUNT 15G 18, GUILT 15G 18
GUILT 15G 18 fatcat

On 18th draw, VIRILE B10 34 --- VIRILE having masculine vigour [adj]
Other tops: VISILE B10 34, VISITE B10 34
Other moves: VISIT 13J 33, VILLS 3K 29, VIRLS 3K 29, VRILS 3K 29, ISIT 13K 25
VISIT 13J 33 fatcat
VOR L4 12 chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, FIRST 13I 41 --- FIRST something that precedes all others [n]
Other tops: FRIST 13I 41
Other moves: FIST 13J 31, SIFT 13L 31, NITRILS 3I 29, SIF 13L 29, FINS 13I 28
FIST 13J 31 fatcat

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