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Game on February 20, 2025 at 17:24, 11 players
1. 235 pts LongJump22
2. 185 pts Pacific
3. 155 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?looquu   H4    46    46   quoll
 2. aehiopv   5H    28    74   uphove
 3. eimrstx   M2    34   108   mirexes
 4. afgilnt   L7    82   190   fatling
 5. abefgou  K11    29   219   bouge
 6. ?aabiot  15F    80   299   aboiteau
 7. adegior   2F    68   367   ideogram
 8. aknooot   1F    47   414   tonka
 9. aelrstw   3A    80   494   warstle
10. aeinort   8A    74   568   oriental
11. acefnov  14F    36   604   fano
12. aehmtuw   B2    46   650   mawther
13. ccdeiru   2F    32   682   ideogramic
14. adinnuz   C7    33   715   dizain
15. deilpsu   O2    92   807   clupeids
16. eijrrsy  13C    46   853   sye
17. ceeirvy  D12    32   885   eyry
18. deinruv   E5    32   917   dunnier

Remaining tiles: cejv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5872 FileLongJump22  3  3:18  -682  235     1.7367 ArcticFox   0  7:19  -762  155 
  2.  -  FilePacific     1  4:33  -732  185     2.7102 VVVVVV1112  2  3:01  -789  128 
  3.7367 FileArcticFox   0  7:19  -762  155     3.7962 moonmonkey  1  3:56  -812  105 
  4.7102 FileVVVVVV1112  2  3:01  -789  128     4.7865 Mycophot    1  4:59  -812  105 
  5.7962 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:56  -812  105     5.7547 queen66     0  1:42  -887   30 
  6.7865 FileMycophot    1  4:59  -812  105            Group: novice
  7.7547 Filequeen66     0  1:42  -887   30     1.5872 LongJump22  3  3:18  -682  235 
  8.5555 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:45  -888   29     2.5555 NNNNNN1112  0  0:45  -888   29 
  9.5570 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:15  -888   29     3.5570 OOOOOO1112  0  1:15  -888   29 
 10.5592 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:43  -888   29     4.5592 LLLLLL1112  0  1:43  -888   29 
 11.5746 FileMMMMMM1112  0  0:29  -901   16     5.5746 MMMMMM1112  0  0:29  -901   16 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Pacific     1  4:33  -732  185 

On 1st draw, QUOL(L) H4 46 --- QUOLL a small spotted marsupial [n]
Other tops: QUO(L)L H4 46
Other moves: QUO(L)L H8 28, QUOL(L) H5 26, QUOL(L) H6 26, QUOL(L) H7 26, QUOL(L) H8 26
QUOL(L) H4 46 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
QUO(L)L H4 46 VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, UPHOVE 5H 28 --- UPHEAVE to heave up [v]
Other moves: HIP I3 27, PHI I2 23, HEAP G6 22, AHI I2 21, HOOVE 6F 21
HIP I3 27 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 3rd draw, MIREXES M2 34 --- MIREX an insecticide [n]
Other moves: MIXERS 9C 33, MIXERS M2 32, SIXMO 6D 30, MIXES 9D 29, EXERTS M3 28

On 4th draw, FATLING L7 82 --- FATLING a young animal fattened for slaughter [n]
Other moves: FLAT(L)ING 8D 65, FLATLING 7D 64, FLOATING K3 62, FATING L7 30, LIFTMAN 2I 28
FATLING L7 82 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, Pacific
FATLING L7 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 5th draw, BOUGE K11 29 --- BOUGE to budge [v]
Other moves: GOAF K11 27, QUAG 4H 26, AUF N1 25, BEAU K11 25, FEU M11 25

On 6th draw, ABOITEA(U) 15F 80 --- ABOITEAU a tide-gate [n]
Other moves: BOAT(T)AI(L) 8A 77, BOA(T)TAI(L) 8A 74, AI(R)BOAT I7 64, AI(R)BOAT G8 61, AI(R)BOAT I8 61
ABOITEA(U) 15F 80 LongJump22
ABOITEA(U) 15F 30 queen66

On 7th draw, IDEOGRAM 2F 68 --- IDEOGRAM a type of written symbol [n]
Other moves: GEOID 14B 29, GORED 14B 29, RAGED 14B 29, GORMED 2J 28, GRIMED 2J 28

On 8th draw, TONKA 1F 47 --- TONKA (Tupi) as in tonka bean, a tall leguminous African tree with fragrant black almond-shaped seeds. No -S [adj]
Other moves: KANT 14F 42, KOTO 14F 42, KANT 1F 41, KAON 1F 41, KOAN 1F 41
TANK 1F 41 Pacific
KAT N8 16 MMMMMM1112

On 9th draw, WARSTLE 3A 80 --- WARSTLE to take part in hand to hand contests [v]
Other tops: WRASTLE 3A 80
Other moves: WALERS N10 44, WATERS N10 44, EST N1 34, ST N2 32, TAWERS N10 32

On 10th draw, ORIENTA(L) 8A 74 --- ORIENTAL an inhabitant of an eastern country [n]
AERATION B3 62 Pacific

On 11th draw, FANO 14F 36 --- FANO a cape worn by the Pope [n]
Other moves: COWAN A1 33, FAN 14F 33, FAWN A1 33, FON 14F 33, CONF 14C 30
FAWN A1 33 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, MAWTHER B2 46 --- MAWTHER an awkward girl [n]
Other moves: HAWM A1 45, MAUTHER B2 40, WAWE A1 33, WHAM N7 33, MAHWA B2 30
HAWM A1 45 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, IDEOGRAMIC 2F 32 --- IDEOGRAMIC [adj]
Other moves: DEW A1 25, CASED 8K 24, CUSEC D1 24, RECCIED D7 24, SUCCEED D3 24
DEW A1 25 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, DIZAIN C7 33 --- DIZAIN a ten-line stanza [n]
Other tops: ZATI F6 33
Other moves: LUZ 10L 32, ZIT F6 32, ZED 7A 31, ENZIAN D8 30, ACID O1 27
CUZ O2 24 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, CLUPEIDS O2 92 --- CLUPEID a fish of the herring family [n]
Other moves: DUPLIES N9 84, PUSLE 13A 48, LISP 13A 46, PISE 13A 46, DESI 13A 44
PEW A1 28 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, SYE 13C 46 --- SYE to strain [v]
Other tops: SEY 13C 46, YES 13A 46
Other moves: RISER 13A 44, J*W A1 43, RISE 13A 42, ERS 13A 40, RES 13A 40

On 17th draw, EYRY D12 32 --- EYRY the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: YEW A1 31, CARVY 10B 27, VAIRY 10B 27, VAREC 10B 24, VENERY E6 24

On 18th draw, DUNNIER E5 32 --- DUNNY stupid [adj]
Other moves: ENVY 15A 30, VERY 15A 30, VINY 15A 30, VISED D1 26, DEW A1 25

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