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Game on February 20, 2025 at 22:48, 5 players
1. 158 pts sunshine12
2. 137 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 94 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dilmru   H4    72    72   drumlin
 2. abepstw   5E    56   128   bewraps
 3. aahorsw   6B    38   166   sawah
 4. degorsu  11D    78   244   groused
 5. acilosy   8B    66   310   socially
 6. ?deetuv   K1    61   371   unvested
 7. gimnort   B8    76   447   storming
 8. aaenopt  15A    33   480   agape
 9. aefinno   3I    30   510   fovea
10. aeinotx   4K    46   556   exine
11. aeinoor   J3    28   584   orpin
12. aenttuz   O1    39   623   naze
13. bdeoruy   1H    42   665   rebuy
14. deeiint   L7    76   741   dietine
15. ginootu   8K    21   762   digit
16. aceloor   4B    25   787   color
17. efikotu  10F    34   821   kon
18. aehnttu  M11    26   847   nah
19. eeflouv  C12    24   871   ef
20. eilqtuv   N6    36   907   quilt

Remaining tiles: eijotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7139 Filesunshine12  4  8:17  -749  158     1.7139 sunshine12  4  8:17  -749  158 
  2.7038 FileGLOBEMAN    3  5:44  -770  137     2.7038 GLOBEMAN    3  5:44  -770  137 
  3.7216 Fileroocatcher  3  4:16  -813   94     3.7216 roocatcher  3  4:16  -813   94 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:12  -885   22            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:52  -897   10     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:12  -885   22 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:52  -897   10 

On 1st draw, DRUMLI(N) H4 72 --- DRUMLIN a long hill of glacial drift [n]
Other moves: DRUMLI(N) H2 70, DRUMLI(N) H3 70, DRUMLI(N) H7 70, DRUMLI(N) H8 70, DRUMLI(N) H5 68

On 2nd draw, BEWRAPS 5E 56 --- BEWRAP to wrap completely [v]
Other tops: BEWRAPT 5E 56
Other moves: BEPATS 11C 30, BESPAT 11F 30, SWAPT 11H 30, SWEPT 11H 30, PAWS 11E 28

On 3rd draw, SAWAH 6B 38 --- SAWAH a paddy-field [n]
Other moves: HOUR 6F 35, AWASH 11E 32, AWASH 4K 32, SAWAH 11H 32, SHROW 11H 32

On 4th draw, GROUSED 11D 78 --- GROUSE to complain [v]
Other tops: DROGUES 11B 78, GOURDES 11B 78
Other moves: GOURDES G9 69, GUERDO(N)S 10B 67, DORSUM 7C 33, DEGS 7C 30, DOGS 7C 30

On 5th draw, SOCIALLY 8B 66 --- SOCIALLY with respect to society [adv]
Other moves: SOCIALLY 8C 64, CLAY 4C 32, CLOY 4C 32, CAY 4D 30, COY 4D 30

On 6th draw, U(N)VESTED K1 61 --- UNVESTED not vested [adj] --- VEST to place in the control of [adj]
Other tops: VESTU(R)ED K3 61
Other moves: VET(O)ED 12A 35, VE(N)UE 12A 30, V(A)TU 12A 26, D(O)(N)EE 10F 25, EV(I)TED 12J 25

On 7th draw, STORMING B8 76 --- STORM to blow violently [v] --- STORMING the act of storming [n]
Other moves: ROUMING 1I 39, GONIUM 1G 36, INGRUM 1G 36, GOMUTI 1H 30, MOVING 3I 30

On 8th draw, AGAPE 15A 33 --- AGAPE a communal meal of fellowship [n]
Other moves: PEA A13 30, POA A13 30, APODE 4E 28, PAVANE 3I 28, PAVONE 3I 28

On 9th draw, FOVEA 3I 30 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FAINNE L7 29, FANION L7 29, NO(N)FAN 10F 28, FAINNE 12I 26, FANION 12I 26

On 10th draw, EXINE 4K 46 --- EXINE the outer layer of certain spores [n]
Other tops: EXEAT 4K 46
Other moves: XENIA 4A 45, DETOX 8K 42, DOXIE 8K 42, EXIT 4K 42, XENIA N2 40

On 11th draw, ORPIN J3 28 --- ORPIN a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: RENIN N2 26, DAINE 8K 21, DANIO 8K 21, DEAIR 8K 21, DEARN 8K 21

On 12th draw, NAZE O1 39 --- NAZE a headland [n]
Other moves: ZONAE F10 36, NAZE N4 33, ZOEA F10 33, ZONA F10 33, ZONE F10 33

On 13th draw, REBUY 1H 42 --- BUY to purchase [v] --- REBUY to buy again [v]
Other tops: YO(N)DER 10F 42
Other moves: BO(N)DER 10F 36, DERBY 8K 36, EBO(N)Y 10E 34, REDUB 1H 33, YO(N)D 10F 33

On 14th draw, DIETINE L7 76 --- DIETINE a minor Japanese parliament [n]
Other moves: DIETINE 12I 74, DIETINE 2B 72, DIETINE 14E 65, DIDIE 8K 24, DINED 8K 24

On 15th draw, DIGIT 8K 21 --- DIGIT a finger or a toe [n]
Other tops: DINGO 8K 21
Other moves: OUTGO M11 20, OUTGO 4A 19, CONGOU D8 18, GOUT A10 18, TONG M11 18
DINGO 8K 21 sunshine12

On 16th draw, COLOR 4B 25 --- COLOR to give color (a visual attribute of objects) to [v]
Other tops: CLARO 4A 25, CLEAR 4B 25
Other moves: CEREAL 13I 22, CAR 4D 21, COR 4D 21, OCREA 4A 21, ORAD 4E 21
CAR 4D 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 17th draw, KO(N) 10F 34 --- KON to know [v]
Other moves: KIEF 2F 32, ELK G7 29, FECKS B2 28, F*CKS B2 28, TOFU M11 28
KO(N) 10F 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 18th draw, NAH M11 26 --- NAH no [adv]
Other moves: GHAT M8 25, NAH A10 25, CAUGHT D8 24, NEATH M11 24, TENTH M11 24
HA 3C 22 chunk88, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HO C3 10 BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, EF C12 24 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: OF C12 24
Other moves: FEEL 2F 23, FEW G3 23, FUEL 2F 23, EF N1 22, OF N1 22
OF C12 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 20th draw, QUILT N6 36 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other tops: QUIET N6 36, QUITE N6 36
Other moves: QUIT N6 33, QUOTA C2 28, QI 7N 24, EVICTS B1 22, VIEW G2 21
QUITE N6 36 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

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