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Game on February 21, 2025 at 01:09, 5 players
1. 166 pts sunshine12
2. 41 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 41 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defnost   H4    80    80   fondest
 2. aesttux   4H    30   110   faxes
 3. ?eeijtv   K4   118   228   ejective
 4. eeinort  10B    62   290   tenorite
 5. ?acmruw  12K    43   333   scraw
 6. egilnsu   E5    86   419   ligneous
 7. aeimmrs   B3    68   487   rammiest
 8. aclnowy   A1    50   537   cloy
 9. aefnopr   M5    65   602   profaner
10. adinnou  O10    30   632   unwind
11. deilopw   A6    38   670   olpe
12. addilor   C2    29   699   dado
13. aeiqtvz  14J    70   769   zeatin
14. abegort  15G    46   815   bogart
15. ahiloqr   3I    27   842   ha
16. aehkltu  12A    34   876   khets
17. abgilou   2I    40   916   albugo
18. iiqruvw  A12    33   949   kiwi

Remaining tiles: iqruvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7158 Filesunshine12  1  5:12  -783  166     1.7158 sunshine12  1  5:12  -783  166 
  2.7073 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:08  -908   41     2.7073 GLOBEMAN    0  1:08  -908   41 
  3.7216 Fileroocatcher  0  1:45  -908   41     3.7216 roocatcher  0  1:45  -908   41 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:25  -916   33            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:00  -925   24     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:25  -916   33 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:00  -925   24 

On 1st draw, FONDEST H4 80 --- FOND having an affection for [adj]
Other moves: FONDEST H2 74, FONDEST H3 74, FONDEST H6 74, FONDEST H7 74, FONDEST H8 74

On 2nd draw, FAXES 4H 30 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: NEXTS 6H 28, NEXUS 6H 28, SAXE I3 28, TAXES 10H 28, TAXUS 10H 28

On 3rd draw, EJE(C)TIVE K4 118 --- EJECTIVE a sound produced with air compressed above the closed glottis [n]
Other moves: EJE(C)TIVE 8H 104, EJE(C)TIVE 8A 101, EJE(C)TIVE K2 84, EJE(C)TIVE 8F 71, JETE(S) 3I 68

On 4th draw, TENORITE 10B 62 --- TENORITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: ONERIEST 9B 61, ORIENTED 7A 61, NERITE 3I 46, NORITE 3I 46, ORIENT 3J 41
JOT 5K 12 sunshine12

On 5th draw, (S)CRAW 12K 43 --- SCRAW thin turf [n]
Other tops: MAR(A) 3I 43, MAR(E) 3I 43, M(A)RA 3I 43, M(O)RA 3I 43
Other moves: MAR 3I 42, (L)ARUM 3I 42, ARUM 3J 41, ARUM(S) 3J 41, (S)WARM 12K 41
(S)WARM 12K 41 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 6th draw, LIGNEOUS E5 86 --- LIGNEOUS of or resembling wood [adj]
Other moves: UNSEELING 6G 64, SLEWING O9 33, SEWING O10 30, ELUSION E5 28, GWINE O11 27
SLEWING O9 33 chunk88, sunshine12
WING O12 24 BadBoyBen

On 7th draw, RAMMIEST B3 68 --- RAMMY resembling a male sheep [adj]
Other moves: SMARMIER M5 66, MARMITES B5 64, IMMEWS O8 39, IMMEW O8 36, SEMIRAW O6 36
SWARM O11 30 sunshine12

On 8th draw, CLOY A1 50 --- CLOY to gratify beyond desire [v]
Other tops: CLAY A1 50
Other moves: CYANO A1 42, TAWNY 8K 36, TOWNY 8K 36, CYAN A1 35, TALCY 8K 33
CLAY A1 50 sunshine12

On 9th draw, PROFANER M5 65 --- PROFANER one that profanes [n]
Other moves: FREON C3 47, FOREPAW O6 45, FRAE C3 40, FROE C3 40, OAF A6 39

On 10th draw, UNWIND O10 30 --- UNWIND to reverse the winding of [v]
Other moves: ADNOUN D8 28, INDOW O8 27, ADO A6 25, ADO A7 25, ADO C3 25

On 11th draw, OLPE A6 38 --- OLPE a Greek jug [n]
Other moves: OWE A7 37, PLOWED D1 35, PLEW C1 33, OW A7 32, WE A8 32

On 12th draw, DADO C2 29 --- DADO an ornamental groove [n] --- DADO to set into a groove [v]
Other moves: DARI C2 26, ADD C2 25, ADO C3 25, DRAD C1 25, ODD C2 25

On 13th draw, ZEATIN 14J 70 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: ZA 3I 51, ZATIS 12A 48, ZETAS 12A 48, FEZ 8M 45, FIZ 8M 45

On 14th draw, BOGART 15G 46 --- BOGART to use without sharing [v]
Other moves: BORATE 15G 43, ABORE 15H 40, ABORT 15H 40, BOART 15H 40, GAROTE 15G 40

On 15th draw, HA 3I 27 --- HA a sound of surprise [n] --- HA expressing surprise [interj]
Other tops: FAH 8M 27, FOH 8M 27, HO 3I 27
Other moves: HAILS 12A 24, HAIRS 12A 24, HALOS 12A 24, HARLS 12A 24, HAROS 12A 24

On 16th draw, KHETS 12A 34 --- KHET a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: KHATS 12A 34, LATKE 2J 34, TALUK 2J 34
Other moves: HAKES 12A 32, HAKUS 12A 32, HULKS 12A 32, LATHE 2J 32, LEHUA 2J 32

On 17th draw, ALBUGO 2I 40 --- ALBUGO a white opacity of the eye [n]
Other moves: ALBUGO 14B 30, LOGIA 2J 28, KAGO A12 27, KAGU A12 27, BAGUIO 14B 26

On 18th draw, KIWI A12 33 --- KIWI a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: KURI A12 24, QI D1 24, IWI 3M 23, FIR 8M 18, FUR 8M 18

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