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Game on February 21, 2025 at 05:39, 5 players
1. 271 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 138 pts sunshine12
3. 109 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iiinox   H8    38    38   infix
 2. einpswy   I5    30    68   newsy
 3. eefgior   5E    44   112   feigner
 4. deefilo   H1    41   153   fledge
 5. aceilrt   8D    65   218   realistic
 6. aeehirs   1D    65   283   sheafier
 7. ?aiikrt   3G    76   359   terakihi
 8. demnouv   8A    42   401   neorealistic
 9. aabdemt   A6    64   465   bandmate
10. begnort  11E    32   497   genitor
11. adioosz  10J    73   570   zooids
12. aeooprv   O5    33   603   vapors
13. adgimop  B10    35   638   amido
14. ahnstuu  C10    45   683   tanhs
15. allouvy   B1    55   738   ovally
16. cegnouw   4J    29   767   won
17. begpuuu   N6    31   798   pub
18. cegqtuu  I11    33   831   tuque

Remaining tiles: cgjtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7006 FilePapa_Sloth  1  8:56  -560  271     1.7006 Papa_Sloth  1  8:56  -560  271 
  2.7176 Filesunshine12  0  5:07  -693  138     2.7176 sunshine12  0  5:07  -693  138 
  3.7125 FileGLOBEMAN    0  4:17  -722  109     3.7125 GLOBEMAN    0  4:17  -722  109 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:16  -819   12            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:43  -821   10     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:16  -819   12 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:43  -821   10 

On 1st draw, IN(F)IX H8 38 --- INFIX to implant [v]
Other moves: (D)IOXIN H3 26, (D)IOXIN H7 26, (D)IOXIN H8 26, IN(F)IX H4 24, NIXI(E) H4 24

On 2nd draw, NEWSY I5 30 --- NEWSY a newsboy [n] --- NEWSY full of news [adj]
Other moves: SWIPEY 11F 28, WI(F)EYS 10F 27, PEWS G11 26, SPINY I5 26, WINY I6 26

On 3rd draw, FEIGNER 5E 44 --- FEIGNER one that feigns [n]
Other moves: GRIEF J2 36, FORGE H1 35, FOGIE H1 32, ORIFEX 12C 32, FE J6 31

On 4th draw, FLEDGE H1 41 --- FLEDGE to furnish with feathers [v]
Other moves: FOILED 4A 36, DEFLEX 12C 34, DEF 6D 33, DEFOG H1 33, FILED 6B 33

On 5th draw, REALISTIC 8D 65 --- REALISTIC [adj]
Other moves: ERISTICAL 8F 64, CLARTIER K2 60, ARTICLE 11E 36, CILIATE 11E 36, RECITAL 11E 36

On 6th draw, SHEAFIER 1D 65 --- SHEAFY like sheafs [adj]
Other tops: SHIRALEE 2C 65
Other moves: HEARSE L1 38, HAIRS L1 36, HARES L1 36, HEARS L1 36, HEIRS L1 36

On 7th draw, TERAKI(H)I 3G 76 --- TERAKIHI an Australasian food fish [n]
Other tops: TERI(Y)AKI 3G 76
Other moves: TERAKI(H)I E7 72, TERI(Y)AKI E7 72, TARAKI(H)I F7 65, TRAIKI(T) 11E 40, (T)RAIKIT 11E 40

On 8th draw, NEOREALISTIC 8A 42 --- NEOREALISTIC [adj]
Other moves: MOVED 6B 33, MOVED 4B 30, VENOM 2A 29, VENOM 4B 29, MOVED G11 28

On 9th draw, BANDMATE A6 64 --- BANDMATE a fellow member of a band [n]
Other moves: ABATED 2A 40, AMATED 2A 40, BATED 2B 38, MATED 2B 38, ADEEM 6F 33

On 10th draw, GENITOR 11E 32 --- GENITOR a male parent [n]
Other moves: BRETON 2A 31, BETON 2B 29, BRETON 4A 29, BORNE 7C 27, GONE 4J 26

On 11th draw, ZOOIDS 10J 73 --- ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [n]
Other moves: ZOOID 10J 72, ZOOS 10J 66, ZAS 10J 65, ZOA 10J 65, ZOO 10J 65
ZOOIDS 10J 73 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, VAPORS O5 33 --- VAPOR mist, fume or smoke [n] --- VAPOR to emit vapor (visible floating moisture) [v]
Other tops: PARVOS O5 33, PAVERS O5 33, P**V*S O5 33, PROVES O5 33, VESPA O8 33
Other moves: PARVE 4A 31, PARVO 4A 31, P**V* 4A 31, PROVE 4A 31, PARVE B2 30
RAVES O6 24 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, AMIDO B10 35 --- AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj]
Other moves: ADEEM 6F 33, OGAM 2K 33, MAID B10 32, PIGMOID M9 32, GOMPA 7C 31
MOD N6 29 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, TANHS C10 45 --- TANH a hyperbolic tangent [n]
Other moves: TANH C10 41, TASH C10 41, TUSH C10 41, SUNHAT 2A 36, MATSAH 10A 35
HUN N6 33 sunshine12
NAH 6D 32 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, OVALLY B1 55 --- OVALLY in the shape of an oval [adv]
Other moves: ALLOY B2 47, VLY B4 32, YAE B6 31, ALLY B3 30, YO N6 30
YO N6 30 Papa_Sloth, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, WON 4J 29 --- WON to dwell [v]
Other tops: CONE 4J 29
Other moves: WIGEON M9 28, WINCE M9 28, WO(F) 10F 28, CON 4J 26, COW 4D 26
WO(F) 10F 28 Papa_Sloth
WINGE M9 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
WING M9 12 chunk88
WIN M9 10 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, PUB N6 31 --- PUB a public bar [n] --- PUB to go to a public bar, PUBBED, PUBBING, PUBS [v]
Other moves: PUBE 2L 30, BUG N6 29, PUG N6 29, PUB 2L 28, PUBE 7C 26
PUG N6 29 Papa_Sloth
UP 10E 23 sunshine12

On 18th draw, TUQUE I11 33 --- TUQUE a knitted woollen cap [n]
Other tops: TUQUE 12K 33
Other moves: QUIT N1 26, QAT 3A 24, QI N2 22, GLUTE 4A 21, QI M9 21
QUIT N1 26 Papa_Sloth, sunshine12

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