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Game on February 23, 2025 at 07:02, 11 players
1. 502 pts fatcat
2. 114 pts LongJump22
3. 96 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. amoostu   H4    20    20   moots
 2. ?aiprty   8H    86   106   sparsity
 3. cdeeims   K4   102   208   miscreed
 4. ?eilors   O1    83   291   rimosely
 5. aeefilt   1H    86   377   featlier
 6. deeknuw   2F    38   415   kneed
 7. afiijrt  J10    31   446   fair
 8. adginny   M7    84   530   digynian
 9. egilorr   3C    23   553   logie
10. ehlpsuv   4D    38   591   hup
11. ceioors  14D    73   664   coories
12. abijrtw   N4    45   709   jaw
13. einrtwz  H12    69   778   zein
14. abeiotw   5D    38   816   obe
15. eghnouu  15A    47   863   eugh
16. aabdnrt  13B    29   892   aband
17. artuvwx   N1    36   928   ex
18. alntuuw  12A    34   962   ulan
19. aioqrtv   L3    34   996   qat
20. iorttuv   A8    24  1020   virtu

Remaining tiles: ortuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6468 Filefatcat      3 15:43  -518  502     1.7785 Mycophot    2  3:09  -924   96 
  2.5760 FileLongJump22  3  2:40  -906  114     2.7810 moonmonkey  2  2:37  -955   65 
  3.7785 FileMycophot    2  3:09  -924   96     3.7184 Chelsea     1  1:29  -964   56 
  4.7810 Filemoonmonkey  2  2:37  -955   65     4.7555 queen66     0  0:28  -998   22 
  5.7184 FileChelsea     1  1:29  -964   56     5.7244 VVVVVV1112  0  0:44  -998   22 
  6.5558 FileNNNNNN1112  1  0:46  -973   47            Group: intermediate
  7.5530 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:10  -973   47     1.6468 fatcat      3 15:43  -518  502 
  8.5669 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:32  -973   47            Group: novice
  9.5733 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:54  -973   47     1.5760 LongJump22  3  2:40  -906  114 
 10.7555 Filequeen66     0  0:28  -998   22     2.5558 NNNNNN1112  1  0:46  -973   47 
 11.7244 FileVVVVVV1112  0  0:44  -998   22     3.5530 OOOOOO1112  1  1:10  -973   47 
                                             4.5669 LLLLLL1112  1  1:32  -973   47 
                                             5.5733 MMMMMM1112  1  1:54  -973   47 

On 1st draw, MOOTS H4 20 --- MOOT to bring up for discussion [v]
Other tops: MAUTS H4 20, MOATS H4 20, MOTUS H4 20, MOUST H4 20
Other moves: ATOMS H4 16, ATOMS H8 16, MAUTS H8 16, MOATS H8 16, MOOTS H8 16
MOATS H4 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, SPAR(S)ITY 8H 86 --- SPARSITY the quality or state of being sparse [n]
Other moves: PARTYI(S)M 4A 84, IMPAR(I)TY 4G 78, (I)MPARITY 4G 78, POTI(C)ARY 5G 74, PO(D)IATRY 5G 74
PO(E)TRY 5G 20 fatcat

On 3rd draw, MISCREED K4 102 --- MISCREED a false creed [n]
Other moves: DECIMES 3B 84, COMEDIES 5G 76, COMEDIES 6G 67, DECRIES K5 40, MEDICS 3C 36
CRIMES K7 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, RI(M)OSELY O1 83 --- RIMOSE marked by cracks [adv] --- RIMOSELY in a rimose manner [adv]
Other moves: SOL(D)IERY O1 80, LORISE(S) 12G 78, LOS(S)IER 12I 78, LO(S)SIER 12H 78, LO(U)SIER 12H 78
LOSE 12I 22 fatcat

On 5th draw, FEATLIER 1H 86 --- FEATLY gracefully [adj]
Other moves: FETIAL J10 35, FETAL J10 34, FETIAL N6 34, FETTLE N6 34, FILET J10 34
FATE N6 30 fatcat

On 6th draw, KNEED 2F 38 --- KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v]
Other moves: WEEK J10 35, EKED N1 34, DEW N4 33, ENEW N3 33, EWKED L11 33
WEEK J10 35 fatcat

On 7th draw, FAIR J10 31 --- FAIR free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice [adj] --- FAIR to make smooth [v]
Other tops: F*RT J10 31, FIAR J10 31, FIAT J10 31
Other moves: FAR J10 30, FAT J10 30, FIR J10 30, FIT J10 30, ARF J8 29
F*RT J10 31 fatcat

On 8th draw, DIGYNIAN M7 84 --- DIGYNIAN pertaining to digynous plants [adj]
Other moves: DIGYNIAN M3 80, DINGY 14F 41, GANDY 14F 41, DANNY 14F 40, GINNY 14F 40
DYING 14I 37 fatcat

On 9th draw, LOGIE 3C 23 --- LOGIE the space in front of a kiln fire [n]
Other moves: ELOGE N1 22, GLEI L12 22, RORIE 3C 21, LIROT N4 19, GEO L12 18
RING 14K 10 fatcat

On 10th draw, HUP 4D 38 --- HUP to go faster (by shouting hup to a horse) [v] --- HUP used to mark a marching cadence [interj]
Other moves: PEH N4 35, PUH N4 35, PUSH L3 33, HEP N4 31, HET N6 31
SHOP D1 20 fatcat

On 11th draw, COORIES 14D 73 --- COORIE (Scots) to nestle or snuggle [v]
Other moves: SCORE 5B 38, COOERS 1A 37, CORIES 1A 37, CORE 5C 36, CORS 5C 36
LICE L1 20 fatcat

On 12th draw, JAW N4 45 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JAB N4 39, JIB N4 39, JIB H13 36, JAB 2B 34, WAIR H12 33
WRIT H12 33 fatcat

On 13th draw, ZEIN H12 69 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: RITZ 12L 46, WIZ H13 45, RIZ H13 36, WENT 15F 36, WREN 15E 36
WRIT H12 33 fatcat

On 14th draw, OBE 5D 38 --- OBE a form of sorcery of African origin [n]
Other moves: BIOTA(S) L3 32, BE 5E 30, BAIT L12 26, BEAT L12 26, IOTA(S) L4 26
OBE 5D 38 LongJump22
BOW N13 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, EUGH 15A 47 --- EUGH a yew [n]
Other moves: EUNUCH D10 30, OUCH D12 26, HEN 15D 25, HOE 15D 25, HON 15D 25
EUGH 15A 47 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
HUG N13 23 fatcat

On 16th draw, ABAND 13B 29 --- ABAND to abandon [v]
Other tops: BRAND 13B 29
Other moves: BAND 13C 27, TARAND 13A 27, ANTA(S) L4 26, BRANCH D10 26, BRANT 13B 26
ABAND 13B 29 LongJump22, moonmonkey
BRANCH D10 26 fatcat

On 17th draw, EX N1 36 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: XI 2N 36
Other moves: WAX N13 35, XU N13 31, TAR 12B 30, AR 12C 26, AT 12C 26
EX N1 36 fatcat, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 18th draw, ULAN 12A 34 --- ULAN one of a body of Prussian cavalry [n]
Other moves: LAT 12B 30, NAT 12B 30, TAN 12B 30, AN 12C 26, AT 12C 26
WANT L3 26 Mycophot
WIN 12L 12 fatcat

On 19th draw, QAT L3 34 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 2B 33, QI L3 30, QI J5 28, RATIO(S) L3 28, IOTA(S) L4 26
QAT L3 34 Mycophot, Chelsea
QI J5 28 fatcat

On 20th draw, VIRTU A8 24 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other moves: QI 3L 22, RIVO C5 17, OUT N10 16, RIVO 12L 16, TROT N12 16
QI 3L 22 Chelsea, queen66, VVVVVV1112, fatcat

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