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Game on February 24, 2025 at 11:22, 10 players
1. 304 pts LongJump22
2. 250 pts Chelsea
3. 145 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aagilo   H8    68    68   otalgia
 2. deehinw   9E    66   134   whitened
 3. aaelnss  15B    98   232   anlases
 4. aeinsuv  11C    72   304   unvailes
 5. ehiilrt   8L    28   332   elhi
 6. ?eimrtt  14H    80   412   admitter
 7. eegklnt   L3    80   492   kentledge
 8. ceioruz  O12    69   561   zero
 9. einoruy   M1    38   599   royne
10. ceoortt   8A    29   628   recto
11. diimoty  12A    38   666   domy
12. aaopruw   1L    39   705   wrap
13. aainrtu   B1    70   775   inaurate
14. bdijoqt   A1    68   843   qi
15. deiorrx   N1    56   899   axed
16. joprsuv  12J    44   943   ops
17. abfotuv   K4    28   971   fou
18. acdgior   3B    24   995   agaric
19. bdiotuv   2D    27  1022   dub
20. bijortv   J6    53  1075   join

Remaining tiles: bfrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5608 FileLongJump22  4  2:53  -771  304     1.7193 Chelsea     3  6:03  -825  250 
  2.7193 FileChelsea     3  6:03  -825  250     2.7669 moonmonkey  1  3:32  -930  145 
  3.7669 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:32  -930  145     3.7661 Mycophot    1  4:21  -930  145 
  4.7661 FileMycophot    1  4:21  -930  145     4.7260 VVVVVV1112  2  2:17  -941  134 
  5.7260 FileVVVVVV1112  2  2:17  -941  134     5.7472 queen66     1  2:15  -970  105 
  6.5554 FileNNNNNN1112  2  2:40  -968  107            Group: novice
  7.7472 Filequeen66     1  2:15  -970  105     1.5608 LongJump22  4  2:53  -771  304 
  8.5789 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:43 -1036   39     2.5554 NNNNNN1112  2  2:40  -968  107 
  9.5615 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:22 -1054   21     3.5789 MMMMMM1112  1  1:43 -1036   39 
 10.5723 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:48 -1054   21     4.5615 OOOOOO1112  0  1:22 -1054   21 
                                             5.5723 LLLLLL1112  0  1:48 -1054   21 

On 1st draw, O(T)ALGIA H8 68 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other tops: LOGA(N)IA H2 68
Other moves: ALOGIA(S) H2 66, ALOGIA(S) H3 66, ALOGIA(S) H4 66, ALOGIA(S) H7 66, ALOGIA(S) H8 66
O(T)ALGIA H8 68 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, WHI(T)ENED 9E 66 --- WHITEN to make white [v]
Other moves: WHINGED 12D 30, WHINE G7 27, HEWING 12C 26, WHID G7 26, WHID I7 26
WHI(T)ENED 9E 66 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, ANLASES 15B 98 --- ANLAS a short dagger [n]
Other tops: ANLASES 15D 98
Other moves: NASALISE 13C 70, LASAGNES 12D 68, NASSELLA 11B 66, NASSELLA 11C 66, NASALS 15C 45
ANLASES 15B 98 LongJump22
ANLASES 15D 48 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 4th draw, UNVAILES 11C 72 --- UNVAILE to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: UNALIVE 11E 40, NAEVI 8K 33, NAIVE 8K 33, NAVES 8K 33, NEVUS 8K 33
UNVAILES 11C 72 LongJump22

On 5th draw, ELHI 8L 28 --- ELHI pertaining to school grades 1 through 12 [adj]
Other tops: HIRE 12A 28
Other moves: HIE 14B 26, RELIT 8K 24, THE 14A 24, THIRLED L3 24, TILER 8K 24
HIRE 12A 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 6th draw, A(D)MITTER 14H 80 --- ADMITTER one that admits [n]
Other tops: IM(B)ITTER O8 80, I(N)TERMIT O8 80
Other moves: THERMIT(E) N7 78, THERMIT(S) N7 78, TH(E)RMITE N7 78, I(N)TERMIT 13B 76, MARTI(N)ET 14G 76
IM(B)ITTER O8 30 Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 7th draw, KENTLEDGE L3 80 --- KENTLEDGE [n]
Other moves: KERN O12 39, GLEEK 14A 34, KEEL 14B 34, KEEN 14B 34, KEET 14B 34
KERN O12 39 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 8th draw, ZERO O12 69 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZORI O12 69
Other moves: CRUIZIE 13C 60, ZERO 12A 52, ZO 14B 46, CHEZ N7 38, CHIZ N7 38
ZERO O12 69 queen66

On 9th draw, ROYNE M1 38 --- ROYNE to mutter [v]
Other moves: IRONY M1 35, YONKER 3I 34, YORKIE 3I 34, NYE M2 32, OYE M2 32

On 10th draw, RECTO 8A 29 --- RECTO a right-hand page of a book [n]
Other moves: COOTER 1H 27, COTTER 1H 27, RECTOR 1H 27, CERO 12A 24, CORE 12A 24
COTTER 1H 27 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DOMY 12A 38 --- DOMY like a dome [adj]
Other moves: DORMY 1K 36, IDIOTCY C3 36, MITY 12A 36, DOTY 12A 32, DIRTY 1K 30
DOMY 12A 38 Chelsea
DORMY 1K 36 queen66

On 12th draw, WRAP 1L 39 --- WRAP to enclose in something wound or folded about [v]
Other moves: PROW 1L 36, PROWAR 1H 36, OUP 13A 29, ARROW 1K 27, PAUA K4 27
WRAP 1L 39 Chelsea, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112

On 13th draw, INAURATE B1 70 --- INAURATE gilded [adj]
Other moves: NUTARIAN J2 62, RAIA K4 21, ATUA 13J 20, ANURIC C3 18, NATURAE B2 18
TAI 13K 14 Chelsea

On 14th draw, QI A1 68 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUBIT 4A 52, QUID 4A 48, QUOD 4A 48, QUOIT 4A 48, QUIT 4A 46
QI A1 68 Chelsea, NNNNNN1112

On 15th draw, AXED N1 56 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXE N1 48, OXO 2M 42, AX N1 36, OX 2M 36, DEX N4 34

On 16th draw, OPS 12J 44 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other moves: ORS 12J 40, OUS 12J 40, JO 14B 38, JOSH F6 38, OUPS 13A 37
JO 14B 38 Chelsea

On 17th draw, FOU K4 28 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other tops: VAU K4 28
Other moves: BOAT 14B 26, BUAT 14B 26, BOA K4 25, BUFO 10A 25, BUFO 4A 24
BOAT 14B 26 Chelsea

On 18th draw, AGARIC 3B 24 --- AGARIC any of a family of fungi [n]
Other moves: CAIN J6 23, CARN J6 23, CION J6 23, COIN J6 23, CORN J6 23

On 19th draw, DUB 2D 27 --- DUB to confer knighthood no [v]
Other tops: DOB 2D 27
Other moves: TUB 2D 25, BOD 2D 23, BOUN J6 23, BUD 2D 23, OB 2E 22

On 20th draw, JOIN J6 53 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JO J6 51, JO 14B 38, BORT 1E 28, JIB 7E 28, JOB 7E 28

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