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Game on February 24, 2025 at 14:25, 10 players
1. 259 pts LongJump22
2. 254 pts Chelsea
3. 126 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agoprt   H4    74    74   portage
 2. ?diknor  11E   105   179   lordkin
 3. aeglnps   E4    70   249   langspel
 4. aaefotz  10D    66   315   fez
 5. abeenno  10J    27   342   bonne
 6. abjosuy  12A    55   397   jubas
 7. aeenttv   O6    91   488   navette
 8. aaeimru   D1    83   571   uraemia
 9. aeilorv   M3    76   647   overlain
10. chinoos   2A    80   727   chorions
11. ddeitwy   1F    38   765   deity
12. ahimorw   A8    45   810   romaji
13. degisuw  14A    32   842   swig
14. defhilt   A1    36   878   iched
15. aeeltwy   4K    36   914   wavey
16. ceoqrtu  15C    54   968   torque
17. efiltux   5J    45  1013   telex
18. cdefilu   N1    35  1048   fedex

Remaining tiles: cilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5608 FileLongJump22  1  4:34  -789  259     1.7175 Chelsea     1  7:23  -794  254 
  2.7175 FileChelsea     1  7:23  -794  254     2.7669 moonmonkey  1  3:23  -922  126 
  3.7669 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:23  -922  126     3.7260 VVVVVV1112  0  2:55  -929  119 
  4.7260 FileVVVVVV1112  0  2:55  -929  119     4.7661 Mycophot    0  1:15  -994   54 
  5.7661 FileMycophot    0  1:15  -994   54     5.7479 queen66     1  1:06 -1021   27 
  6.5554 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:54 -1006   42            Group: novice
  7.5615 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:13 -1006   42     1.5608 LongJump22  1  4:34  -789  259 
  8.5723 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:33 -1006   42     2.5554 NNNNNN1112  0  0:54 -1006   42 
  9.5789 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:52 -1006   42     3.5615 OOOOOO1112  0  1:13 -1006   42 
 10.7479 Filequeen66     1  1:06 -1021   27     4.5723 LLLLLL1112  0  1:33 -1006   42 
                                             5.5789 MMMMMM1112  0  1:52 -1006   42 

On 1st draw, PORTAG(E) H4 74 --- PORTAGE to transport from one navigable waterway to another [v]
Other tops: POTAG(E)R H4 74, RAGTOP(S) H7 74
Other moves: PORTAG(E) H7 72, POTAG(E)R H8 72, RAGTOP(S) H2 72, PORTAG(E) H2 70, PORTAG(E) H3 70

On 2nd draw, (L)ORDKIN 11E 105 --- LORDKIN a little lord [n]
Other tops: (B)RODKIN 11E 105
Other moves: DROOKIN(G) 5E 98, DORNI(C)K 11H 83, D(V)ORNIK 11H 83, DROOKIN(G) 5F 74, O(V)(E)RKIND 10F 73

On 3rd draw, LANGSPE(L) E4 70 --- LANGSPEL a Scandinavian stringed instrument [n]
ELAPSING J6 65 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, FEZ 10D 66 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: FAZES 8A 54, ZOAEA D1 54, ZETA D1 50, ZOEA D1 50, FAZE D3 49
FEZ 10D 66 LongJump22
FAZES 8A 54 Chelsea
ZOAEA D1 54 moonmonkey, Mycophot, VVVVVV1112

On 5th draw, BONNE 10J 27 --- BONNE a French maid [n]
Other tops: BEANO 10J 27, BENNE 10J 27
Other moves: BANE 10J 24, BANES 8A 24, BANNS 8A 24, BEAN 10J 24, BEANO I5 24
BEANO 10J 27 queen66, moonmonkey
BEANS 8A 24 Chelsea

On 6th draw, JUBAS 12A 55 --- JUBA a lively dance [n]
Other moves: BAJUS O6 50, JASY O8 50, JAYS O7 50, JOYS O7 50, JUBAS O6 50
BAJUS O6 50 LongJump22

On 7th draw, NAVETTE O6 91 --- NAVETTE a gem cut in a pointed oval form [n]
Other moves: NAVETTE O5 88, JANE A12 33, JEAN A12 33, JEAT A12 33, JETE A12 33
JEAN A12 33 Chelsea

On 8th draw, URAEMIA D1 83 --- URAEMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other moves: URAEMIA N1 78, AMIA 13A 35, AMIE 13A 35, AMIR 13A 35, JURA A12 33
URAEMIA N1 78 LongJump22

On 9th draw, OVERLAIN M3 76 --- OVERLAY to lay over [v] --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other moves: OVERLAIN L3 74, JIVE A12 42, ARRIVE 2B 34, AVOURE B9 34, JAIL A12 33
JIVE A12 42 Chelsea, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 10th draw, CHORIONS 2A 80 --- CHORION an embryonic membrane [n]
Other moves: COJOIN A10 45, JOHN A12 42, JOSH A12 42, JOCO A12 39, OHOS 13A 38
COJOIN A10 45 moonmonkey
CHINOS 13J 33 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DEITY 1F 38 --- DEITY a god or goddess [n]
Other moves: WEID 1F 37, JEDI A12 36, EDDY 1H 33, WYTE C6 32, DEWY 12J 31
JEDI A12 36 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ROMAJI A8 45 --- ROMAJI a system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet [n]
Other moves: AROW 13A 38, HOMA 3A 38, OHIA 13A 38, HAW 13B 36, HOW 13B 36

On 13th draw, SWIG 14A 32 --- SWIG to drink deeply or rapidly [v]
Other moves: SCUDI A1 30, SWIVED 4J 30, WEIDS 13K 29, WIDES 13K 29, SEW 14A 28
SWIG 14A 32 Chelsea

On 14th draw, ICHED A1 36 --- ICH to eke [v]
Other moves: ECHT A1 30, DEFILE 12J 29, FEH C7 28, HIVED 4K 28, ICED A1 27

On 15th draw, WAVEY 4K 36 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: TWAY C6 32, WYLE C6 32, WYTE C6 32, WYE C6 30, WAY C7 28

On 16th draw, TORQUE 15C 54 --- TORQUE to cause to twist [v]
Other moves: QUEY O1 48, ROQUE B4 41, TOQUE B4 41, ROQUE 5G 38, TOQUE 5G 38

On 17th draw, TELEX 5J 45 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other moves: HELIX B2 41, FOXIE 5G 40, FIXT B4 38, FIX B4 37, FIX C7 36

On 18th draw, FEDEX N1 35 --- FEDEX Federal Exprss [n] --- FEDEX to send by Federal Express [v]
Other moves: DEFY O1 33, FLEY O1 30, DEFILE 12J 29, FED I13 28, FID I13 28

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