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Game on February 26, 2025 at 16:51, 11 players
1. 214 pts Pacific
2. 203 pts LongJump22
3. 78 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adffort   H3    34    34   afford
 2. ?abginr   8H    92   126   drabbing
 3. aeimtuu   G2    26   152   amie
 4. aanostu   F3    24   176   astun
 5. deilprw   1D    46   222   weird
 6. aegosvy   9B    80   302   voyages
 7. ?eeirst   O8    77   379   grisette
 8. knooort  N10    37   416   kor
 9. aehlnot  15H    95   511   anethole
10. deilost  13H    78   589   doiltest
11. giilotv  12D    22   611   volti
12. aeinotx   7L    41   652   axe
13. adilrtu  11E    26   678   dault
14. ehinopy   I1    39   717   yeh
15. aeinnoo   D4    20   737   oniony
16. bceimpp   C4    30   767   pimp
17. eenqrwz   J6    32   799   zea
18. aceeqru  L10    40   839   quetch
19. agijnrw   K2    37   876   jirga

Remaining tiles: bcenuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9620 FilePacific     3  3:33  -662  214     1.9620 Pacific     3  3:33  -662  214 
  2.5464 FileLongJump22  3  2:26  -673  203            Group: advanced
  3.7354 FileArcticFox   2  2:19  -798   78     1.7354 ArcticFox   2  2:19  -798   78 
  4.7473 Filemoonmonkey  1  2:24  -800   76     2.7473 moonmonkey  1  2:24  -800   76 
  5.5719 FileLLLLLL1112  0  3:06  -834   42     3.7604 Mycophot    1  1:09  -842   34 
  6.5702 FileMMMMMM1112  0  2:06  -838   38     4.7260 VVVVVV1112  1  1:30  -842   34 
  7.7604 FileMycophot    1  1:09  -842   34     5.7560 queen66     0  1:00  -856   20 
  8.7260 FileVVVVVV1112  1  1:30  -842   34            Group: novice
  9.7560 Filequeen66     0  1:00  -856   20     1.5464 LongJump22  3  2:26  -673  203 
 10.5656 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:33  -859   17     2.5719 LLLLLL1112  0  3:06  -834   42 
 11.5745 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:53  -859   17     3.5702 MMMMMM1112  0  2:06  -838   38 
                                             4.5656 NNNNNN1112  0  0:33  -859   17 
                                             5.5745 OOOOOO1112  0  0:53  -859   17 

On 1st draw, AFFORD H3 34 --- AFFORD to have sufficient means for [v]
Other moves: DRAFF H8 32, AFFORD H7 30, AFFORD H4 28, AFFORD H8 28, DRAFF H4 28
AFFORD H3 34 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, DRA(B)BING 8H 92 --- DRAB to associate with prostitutes [v]
Other moves: (H)ANGBIRD 8A 89, DRAB(B)ING 8H 83, FRAB(B)ING 4H 80, FRA(B)BING 4H 80, BARGAIN(S) 3G 78
DRA(B)BING 8H 92 LongJump22
B(O)ARDING 8D 64 Pacific
DRA(B)BING 8H 42 moonmonkey

On 3rd draw, AMIE G2 26 --- AMIE a female friend [n]
Other moves: MAE I3 25, TEAM I3 24, AMI 7L 21, AMU 7L 21, TAME G1 21
MEU 7M 20 queen66

On 4th draw, ASTUN F3 24 --- ASTUN to astonish [v]
Other moves: OAST I2 23, ONST I2 23, TAUONS 9C 22, ANAS F1 21, UTAS F1 21

On 5th draw, WEIRD 1D 46 --- WEIRD destiny [n] --- WEIRD mysteriously strange [adj] --- WEIRD to cause to experience a strange sensation [v]
Other moves: WIRED 1E 34, WRIED 1F 34, DREW 1F 31, PRIDE 1F 31, PRIED 1F 31

On 6th draw, VOYAGES 9B 80 --- VOYAGE to travel [v]
Other moves: GYVES 2A 31, WAVEYS D1 30, SEY 9H 29, WAVEY D1 28, GYVE 2A 27
AGO 7L 17 NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
GOA 7M 16 MMMMMM1112

On 7th draw, GRISET(T)E O8 77 --- GRISETTE a young French working-class girl [n]
Other tops: GER(M)IEST O8 77, GE(N)TRIES O8 77, GRISE(T)TE O8 77, G(U)ERITES O8 77, REESTI(N)G O1 77, STEERI(N)G O1 77
Other moves: EVIR(A)TES B8 74, REVE(R)IST B7 74, RIVETE(R)S B7 74, RIVE(R)ETS B7 74, SEVERIT(Y) B7 74
STEERI(N)G O1 77 Pacific, LongJump22

On 8th draw, KOR N10 37 --- KOR a Hebrew unit of measure [n]
Other tops: KON N10 37
Other moves: KO N10 34, NOOK 7J 31, TOOK 7J 31, KROON 2A 25, KO 7M 24
KON N10 37 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, ANETHOLE 15H 95 --- ANETHOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ETHANOYL D3 80, BENTHOAL L8 78, (B)ENTHOAL K8 70, HYETAL D8 32, LOATHY D4 32

On 10th draw, DOILTEST 13H 78 --- DOILT crazy [adj]
Other moves: DIASTOLE J6 65, ISOLATED J4 63, SODALITE J5 63, SOLIDATE J3 63, TODIES 14H 31

On 11th draw, VOLTI 12D 22 --- VOLTI used to direct musicians to turn the page [interj]
Other moves: VIOL 2B 21, GATVOL E8 20, GALVO E8 18, GAVOT E8 18, GALVO J7 17

On 12th draw, AXE 7L 41 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX 7L 38, OX 7L 38, XENIA 10C 37, ANXIETY D3 36, XI 7M 36
AXE 7L 41 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 13th draw, DAULT 11E 26 --- DAULT a foster-child [n]
Other moves: DULIA 10C 25, DAUR 11E 24, DAUT 11E 24, DUALITY D3 24, LAIRD 11E 24

On 14th draw, YEH I1 39 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: PHONEY D4 30, WHINEY D1 30, HEAPY J6 29, HYPE 2A 29, HYPO 2A 29

On 15th draw, ONIONY D4 20 --- ONION the edible bulb of a cultivated herb [adj] --- ONIONY like an onion [adj]
Other moves: WANION D1 18, ANION 2A 17, ONION 2A 17, EONIAN 2I 16, WINNA D1 16

On 16th draw, PIMP C4 30 --- PIMP to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other moves: BITCH L11 24, MITCH L11 24, PITCH L11 24, IMP C5 23, PIPE C2 22

On 17th draw, ZEA J6 32 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZEE 2B 29, ZEROS 11K 28, REZ 7H 27, WE 6N 27, ZEE M11 27
ZEA J6 32 Pacific

On 18th draw, QUETCH L10 40 --- QUETCH to stir [v]
Other tops: QUATCH L10 40
Other moves: QUA K4 35, QUEER 2A 35, QUA B2 29, QUAT L10 26, QAT L11 24

On 19th draw, JIRGA K2 37 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other moves: JA K5 29, JA B5 28, GNAW B2 27, RAJ B3 25, EARWIG 2I 24

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