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Game on February 28, 2025 at 14:03, 7 players
1. 284 pts LongJump22
2. 238 pts queen66
3. 222 pts Discus22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeirsu   H8    70    70   residua
 2. aeiilnu  15H    45   115   liane
 3. ??aahnu  11D    86   201   bauhinia
 4. adeorst   8A    83   284   roadster
 5. aabegmy  14J    53   337   maybe
 6. efilmnr   C2    84   421   rifleman
 7. eeinost   2A    70   491   serotine
 8. acinors   1F    96   587   saronic
 9. eooorvx  10E    52   639   ex
10. dfhijot   4A    50   689   jiff
11. inoorty   E4    37   726   yonis
12. adelopt   L1    78   804   clodpate
13. eiopqtv  12A    31   835   pivot
14. deikruu  10H    38   873   siker
15. agghoru   N7    67   940   roughage
16. celoqtw   O5    44   984   clew
17. deoqtuw  B10    72  1056   quited
18. bgotvwz   3J    34  1090   wootz

Remaining tiles: bgv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5490 FileLongJump22  4  2:14  -806  284     1.7274 VVVVVV1112  2  1:53  -924  166 
  2.  -  Filequeen66     3  6:14  -852  238     2.7508 moonmonkey  1  2:32  -999   91 
  3.  -  FileDiscus22    1  6:10  -868  222     3.7675 Mycophot    1  3:18  -999   91 
  4.7274 FileVVVVVV1112  2  1:53  -924  166            Group: novice
  5.7508 Filemoonmonkey  1  2:32  -999   91     1.5490 LongJump22  4  2:14  -806  284 
  6.7675 FileMycophot    1  3:18  -999   91            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileTTTTTT1144  1  1:13 -1018   72     1.  -  queen66     3  6:14  -852  238 
                                             2.  -  Discus22    1  6:10  -868  222 
                                             3.  -  TTTTTT1144  1  1:13 -1018   72 

On 1st draw, RESIDUA H8 70 --- RESIDUUM residue [n]
Other moves: RESIDUA H2 68, RESIDUA H3 68, RESIDUA H4 68, RESIDUA H6 68, RESIDUA H7 68
RESIDUA H8 70 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, LIANE 15H 45 --- LIANE a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: ALIEN 15G 42, ALINE 15G 42, ANILE 15E 42, ELAIN 15G 42, INULA 15E 42
LIANE 15H 45 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 3rd draw, (B)AUHIN(I)A 11D 86 --- BAUHINIA a small tropical tree [n]
Other tops: HAU(R)IAN(T) 11D 86
Other moves: HA(R)AN(G)UE L8 76, HANU(M)A(N) G7 75, HA(N)U(M)AN G7 75, (K)AHUNA(S) G5 71, (K)AHUNA(S) M9 71
HAU(R)IAN(T) 11D 86 LongJump22
HAU(R)IAN(T) 11D 36 queen66, Discus22

On 4th draw, ROADSTER 8A 83 --- ROADSTER a light, open automobile [n]
Other moves: ROADSTER 8H 80, DOATERS M9 76, TROADES M9 74, OUTDARES 13G 72, OUTREADS 13G 72
ROADSTER 8A 83 LongJump22
ROADSTER 8A 33 Discus22

On 5th draw, MAYBE 14J 53 --- MAYBE an uncertainty [n]
Other moves: BEAMY 14J 50, BEAMY 10B 44, BEAMY 14F 43, ABYES 10D 41, BYES 10E 39
BEAMY 14J 50 Discus22, queen66

On 6th draw, RIFLEMAN C2 84 --- RIFLEMAN a soldier armed with a rifle (a type of firearm) [n]
Other moves: RIFLEMAN K5 76, RIFLEMEN G2 71, RIFLEMEN N8 71, FILMED 12C 37, FIRMED 12C 37

On 7th draw, SEROTINE 2A 70 --- SEROTINE a European bat [n]
Other moves: NOISETTE F2 62, TEOSINTE F2 62, ONERIEST A5 59, SEROTINE A6 59, SEINED D3 34

On 8th draw, SARONIC 1F 96 --- SARONIC pertaining to an astronomical cycle [adj]
Other moves: SARONIC 3H 72, CLARINOS 5B 70, CLARIONS 5B 70, OCARINAS K5 70, SARONIC 3F 68
SARONIC 1F 46 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 9th draw, EX 10E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: SEX 10H 52, SOX 10H 52
Other moves: HEX G11 41, HOX G11 41, OXER 9F 39, VEX 12C 37, VOX 12C 37
SOX 10H 52 queen66
SEX 10H 52 Discus22

On 10th draw, JIFF 4A 50 --- JIFF a short time [n]
Other moves: DHOTI 13K 41, FIFTH 4A 36, DOF 13L 34, DOH 13L 34, HOD 13L 34
JIFF 4A 50 queen66

On 11th draw, YONIS E4 37 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other tops: TOYON E2 37
Other moves: TROY 13K 36, ROOTY 13K 35, TOYO E2 35, IRONY 3C 33, TOYO 13L 33
YO 2J 28 Discus22
YE B1 5 queen66

On 12th draw, CLODPATE L1 78 --- CLODPATE a stupid person [n]
Other moves: PLOATED 3H 77, TADPOLE 3F 75, TADPOLE 3H 75, PETALO(I)D J5 64, PORTALED A6 62

On 13th draw, PIVOT 12A 31 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v]
Other moves: POET 13L 30, POTE 13L 30, Q(I) J10 30, TOPE 13L 30, TOPI 13L 30

On 14th draw, SIKER 10H 38 --- SIKER secure [adj]
Other moves: SIKE 10H 37, KED 10J 35, KEIR 10J 35, SIK 10H 34, SUK 10H 34

On 15th draw, ROUGHAGE N7 67 --- ROUGHAGE coarse, bulky food [n]
Other moves: HOAR 13K 36, HARO 13L 33, HOAR 13L 33, HOAR M3 33, HORA 13L 33

On 16th draw, CLEW O5 44 --- CLEW to roll into a ball [v]
Other moves: EWT O7 37, LEW O6 35, TEW O6 35, CLOG 13K 33, W*G 13L 31
OW O11 23 Discus22

On 17th draw, QUITED B10 72 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v]
Other moves: QUIET B10 68, QUITE B10 68, WOOED B6 40, QUAD 6J 34, QUID B10 34

On 18th draw, WOOTZ 3J 34 --- WOOTZ steel made in India [n]
Other tops: WOOTZ 3K 34
Other moves: ZOA 14F 32, ZOA 6J 32, W*G 13L 31, WOO B6 31, BOZO 3K 30

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