Rating: -
Victory: 0
Second place: 0
Third place: 0
Game played at top: 0
Longest consecutive games played at top: 0
Longest consecutive word played at top: 0
Percentage of words played at top: 0/2
Percentage of words played at the best place: 2/2 or 100%
Percentage of points found from the top: 40/76 or 52.63%
Percentage of top found when there is a unique top: 0/2
Percentage of top found when top is a Legendre 6x: -
Percentage of top found when top is a Legendre 4x: -
Percentage of top found when top is a double-double: -
Percentage of top found when top is a triple-triple: -
Percentage of points when a bingo was possible: -
Percentage of points when the top was a unique bingo: -
Percentage of top found when top is a 7 letter bingo: -
Percentage of top found when top is a 8 letter bingo: -
Percentage of top found when top is a 9 letter bingo: -
Percentage of top found when top is a 10 letter bingo: -
Average time for each word played: 0:52
Average time for each word played when played at top: -
(*) Percentage and average results of the last 100 games when this player played a word.