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Game sheet of pergerine (file), Game of April 22, 2011 at 16:07

Word find
Word played
1 EEFIMST             METIFS H8 30 30  
2 AEHLNSW WHEALS 9F 17 -35 17 1/1 WAHINES 11E 52 82 1/1
3 AEHRSTY SHARE K11 8 -34 25 1/1 HATER 10F 42 124 1/1
4 ?AEILQU             SQUI(L)LAE 13H 102 226 1/1
5 AEIOPXY             OXEYE O11 69 295 1/1
6 ?AACDIU             CA(L)ADIUM 8A 89 384 1/1
7 AEINOOR             EAN N12 25 409 1/1
8 BENOORV             ORLON M11 21 430 1/1
9 AEILSTV             AESTIVAL B2 76 506 1/1
10 ABEJLNR             BAJRI F4 30 536 1/1
11 DEEGNPT             EPEE 9H 20 556 1/1
12 DEINORS             JOINDERS 6F 70 626 1/1
13 ACDGORT             GARCON 15H 30 656 1/1
14 EILMOUV             VIOLER L1 26 682 1/1
15 ABDGOWZ             WAZOO 3I 42 724 1/1
16 BDINTTU             BEIN 5K 22 746 1/1
17 DEINOTU             INDEVOUT 1H 158 904 1/1
18 DILPRTU             PLAID 5D 21 925 1/1
19 GMRTTUY             GRUMPY D1 32 957 1/1

Total: 25/957 or -932 for 2.612%
Rank: -

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