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Game sheet of gamer5556 (file), Game of May 2, 2011 at 06:42

Word find
Word played
1 AEKNNRT             ENRANK H7 30 30  
2 ABEIINS             BINARIES 9D 62 92  
3 ?ACLMOZ             COALIZ(E) E5 68 160  
4 ?AEISUX             EU(T)EXIAS J6 82 242  
5 AEHLNOP             PHONAL F6 50 292  
6 EGIMRWY             (T)IGERY 8J 35 327  
7 ADEMOOR             DERMIS K4 24 351  
8 BCEERSY             SCRYDE 4G 30 381  
9 EEGRSTW             STREWER N2 36 417  
10 ADIIOTT             DIACT H1 24 441  
11 AADEIOQ             QAIDS 2J 35 476  
12 EIJNORT             REJOIN M7 25 501  
13 BEFHILO             ELFS G1 25 526  
14 AENOPTT             PATTENED 1A 36 562  
15 ABGILOT NOT 12M 4 -22 4 1/1 BAIZA 10B 26 588 1/1
16 DEFGOUV             REJOINED M7 32 620 1/1
17 ILMNTUW LET 13L 3 -17 7 1/1 ALUMNI B1 20 640 1/1
18 EFGHOTW DEW 14M 14 -16 21 1/1 PEGH A1 30 670 1/1
19 FOOTUVW BOOT B10 6 -17 27 1/1 TOWY O5 23 693 1/1
20 FGOOOTU             BIGFOOT D9 31 724 1/2

Total: 27/724 or -697 for 3.729%
Rank: -

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