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Game sheet of cheri123._ (file), Game of May 2, 2011 at 17:58

Word find
Word played
1 ?EIISSV VISES H8 18 -58 18 1/1 VISIE(R)S H4 76 76 1/1
2 AEGLORS GLOVERS 4E 11 -65 29 1/1 VORLAGES 4H 76 152 1/1
3 ?ADDNTU STUD(S) O4 15 -65 44 1/1 D(E)NUDATE 8A 80 232 1/1
4 ADEIQTY DATES 10D 8 -31 52 1/1 QATS O1 39 271 1/1
5 AEILNNP NAPES 10D 13 -73 65 1/1 PINELAND A1 86 357 1/1
6 ADGMOOR POOR 1A 7 -73 72 1/1 ONDOGRAM C7 80 437 1/1
7 ACEEISU MACES 14C 11 -21 83 1/1 UMIACS 14B 32 469 1/1
8 CHOOTUY SHOOT 10H 10 -20 93 1/1 TORCHY 12A 30 499 1/1
9 ADEIJLT             JEED N2 44 543 1/1
10 BEFIRTV             FERVID E3 26 569 1/1
11 BEKNNOU             UNBROKEN J1 76 645 1/1
12 EEILOTY             YGOE M3 31 676 1/1
13 AEILOPR             OLPAE K3 34 710 1/1
14 BEILMTW             BLUME 1H 30 740 1/1
15 EEGILOR             GOFER 3C 20 760 1/1
16 EFHIRTW             FROW D1 38 798 1/1
17 AEIILNR             SNAILIER 10H 62 860 1/1
18 AEITTUW             TEWART O6 27 887 1/1
19 HIITUXZ             ZEX F2 52 939 1/2

Total: 93/939 or -846 for 9.904%
Rank: 2111

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