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Game sheet of MORLAK (file), Game of May 3, 2011 at 10:38

Word find
Word played
1 EHILRTU             LUTHIER H8 72 72  
2 ABDEFIM             DEFAME 13C 30 102  
3 AEHIRTU             HURTER 14F 36 138  
4 ?AAILOS             A(C)HOLIAS 11F 70 208  
5 DEEEGNT             EGESTED M8 22 230  
6 ACENOSU             LUTHIERS H8 33 263  
7 ALNOOPS             PLANOSOL 8A 83 346  
8 ABDGINR             BRANDING D2 74 420  
9 ABEEORT             ABORTEES F1 68 488  
10 ?FIOPTZ             ZEP(S) 8L 72 560  
11 DEJNOQR (S)NORED O8 7 -29 7 2/2 JADE 1E 36 596 2/2
12 AIILNTW WANT(S) O4 11 -23 18 2/2 WALTZ L4 34 630 2/2
13 AENNORU WORE 4L 8 -62 26 1/1 NEURONAL B1 70 700 2/2
14 AINOOUV VAIN 5K 14 -6 40 1/1 BOBA 2D 20 720 2/2
15 EFGITUY             FYTTE 12K 39 759 2/2
16 EGIOQRS             SUQ 9G 26 785 2/2
17 EMNNOVX             POX N8 56 841 2/2
18 CEKORVY             KERVE O11 36 877 2/2
19 GIIIMNU WING 4L 10 -12 50 1/2 MAUN C7 22 899 2/2
20 IIINOVY VAIN 5K 14 -8 64 1/1 YAY L10 22 921 2/2
21 GIIINVW WING 4L 10 -15 74 1/2 OWING 3F 25 946 2/2
22 CCIIIIO NOT 5D 6 -15 80 1/1 COLIC 6J 21 967 2/2

Total: 80/967 or -887 for 8.273%
Rank: 3885

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