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Game sheet of haligonian (file), Game of May 11, 2011 at 23:36

Word find
Word played
1 ABEILRS BAILERS H7 20 -54 20 2/4   H4 74 74 3/4
2 ?AEFMTU FASTE(R) 10F 18 -80 38 1/3 FUMA(R)ATE 5E 98 172 2/4
3 ADEHIIL HAILED J4 12 -23 50 2/3 BELAH 4H 35 207 2/4
4 ACEGGNP             AGEING 6E 42 249 3/4
5 GIIKORT GIST 10F 9 -11 59 5/5 OIKIST 10D 20 269 3/5
6 ABDORRZ BIZ E9 28 -8 87 2/5 BIZARRO E9 36 305 2/5
7 ACDERTW WARED 12D 22 -23 109 2/4 COWARD 15D 45 350 2/5
8 ?ADOOUV             DOUC D12 24 374 2/5
9 ACILPTT PORTAL 13C 18 -7 127 2/3 PIKA F8 25 399 2/5
10 ?AIORSS             ERASIO(N)S 8H 74 473 2/5
11 DEILMOO             MELODIO(N) N1 74 547 3/5
12 EENNTVW             WOVEN M7 28 575 3/5
13 CEEILNT             TELECINE 2G 62 637 4/5
14 NNOPRTU             TUMP 1L 32 669 4/5
15 DEFGNSY             GORSY 13C 26 695 4/5
16 AEIQUVY             SAIQUE K8 30 725 4/5
17 DEEHNNT             HENTS O4 32 757 4/5
18 EIJNORT             JOTUN 12H 40 797 4/5
19 DEFINRY             EYRIE 13K 21 818 4/5
20 DEFNOVX             FOXIE N10 61 879 4/5

Total: 127/879 or -752 for 14.44%
Rank: 4618

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