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Game sheet of Dbuggle (file), Game of May 13, 2011 at 17:18

Word find
Word played
1 ADEEKOS SEEK H8 16 -14 16 4/4 KADES H4 30 30 4/4
2 ?EENVWZ W(H)EEZE 7E 28 -10 44 3/5 WE(I)ZED 6C 38 68 2/5
3 AEOQSTU QUEST 8E 14 -24 58 5/5 SQUEAK 4C 38 106 5/5
4 AEERRST ARREST 5H 12 -65 70 3/4 SERRATES 8H 77 183 5/5
5 ?IIOTUV VIRU(S) J6 15 -55 85 1/3 VIRTUO(S)I J6 70 253 4/5
6 CDEHIIT CODE 11I 14 -18 99 4/5 DITCHE(S) 12D 32 285 4/6
7 AEILLLT VITAL 6J 10 -14 109 4/5 THALI H11 24 309 4/6
8 AFIMNSU VAIN 6J 7 -27 116 5/5 FAME 7E 34 343 4/6
9 BDEINOT BEND N7 11 -61 127 3/6 OBTAINED L5 72 415 4/7
10 AFGOORT FOOT F9 9 -57 136 5/6 FOOTGEAR N3 66 481 4/7
11 IJLNORS SOLO 5K 8 -21 144 4/6 TOOLERS 11H 29 510 4/7
12 ALMNOPR PALM 14F 14 -49 158 2/6 PROLAMIN 15B 63 573 4/7
13 AGORUVW WIG E11 14 -8 172 4/5 GOWF 3K 22 595 4/7
14 ACEJNPU JUG K1 11 -26 183 4/5 ALEC 14G 37 632 4/7
15 EINOPXY OX 4N 17 -17 200 3/4 PYXIE E9 34 666 4/7
16 EHJNORY             HONED D8 31 697 4/7
17 AGIJNNN             JIGSAWN C1 38 735 4/8
18 BILNRUV             RIVLIN 2B 22 757 4/8
19 BDEINUU             SQUEAKED 4C 22 779 4/8
20 BIINUUY             BUNYIP B10 38 817 4/8

Total: 200/817 or -617 for 24.47%
Rank: 3525

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