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Game sheet of TwoFold (file), Game of May 17, 2011 at 04:43

Word find
Word played
1 AEOORSY YEARS H4 24   24 1/3 ARSEY H8   24 1/3
2 ELNOORS LOONY 12D 16 -66 40 1/3 LOOSENER 11D 82 106 1/3
3 DEILMPT MELT 12J 18 -53 58 2/3 IMPLETED J5 71 177 2/3
4 ?AAERTU (S)TARE 12B 16 -62 74 2/3 AU(B)RETIA 5D 78 255 2/3
5 DEILPRS DRIPS 12B 26 -54 100 2/4 PEDRAILS D1 80 335 2/4
6 ?CHNSTU CH(A)PS 1A 33 -54 133 2/4 CH(E)SNUT L8 87 422 2/4
7 DEIIOTW DOWS 8A 24 -12 157 2/2 WOTTED 14J 36 458 2/4
8 ABEGIKN PEAKING 1D 42   199 1/3 NABK 10C   500 2/4
9 DEEFINR PRIDE 1D 24 -71 223 2/3 FRIENDED O7 95 595 2/4
10 ABEIMOV VIE N6 21 -21 244 2/3 ABOVE H1 42 637 2/4
11 INOORTZ ZOON 15H 46 -6 290 2/3 ZOOT 12A 52 689 2/4
12 EGGIIOT ZITI A12 39   329 2/3 ZITE A12   728 2/4
13 EGHIORU HOER 15H 28 -71 357 2/3 ROUGHIE N6 99 827 2/4
14 AELQVWY WAVEY 15G 52   409 2/3       879 2/4
15 AAIMNUX MAX I1 45   454 2/3 MIX I1   924 2/4
16 AAGGIJU JUGS 8A 36 -3 490 2/3 JAAP 1A 39 963 2/4
17 AEFILNN LEAF 2C 17 -10 507 2/3 FALSIE 8A 27 990 2/4
18 GGINNOU JOIN A1 12 -17 519 3/3 NOG G1 29 1019 2/4
19 CGIINQU NAMING 1G 11 -24 530 2/2 QUIN 6B 35 1054 2/4

Total: 530/1054 or -524 for 50.28%
Rank: 5907

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