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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of May 18, 2011 at 19:49

Word find
Word played
1 ?ESTUVW             SW(I)VET H3 30 30  
2 HINOSTY             SHINTY 9H 32 62  
3 ACEMORS             ROMANCES K5 98 160  
4 ADEIRSV             ADVISERS 12G 78 238  
5 ?EFHRTT             F(A)RTHEST 3B 80 318  
6 ACENNOR             ACE 2E 28 346  
7 BEKNOPP             BONK 1E 46 392  
8 ADEMOOT AFOOT B2 20 -16 20 6/7 DEFOAM B1 36 428 7/7
9 EILOPTZ SIZE N12 26 -73 46 7/7 ZLOTE A4 99 527 7/7
10 ADELORU DOVE 6F 12 -66 58 6/6 ROULADE 13B 78 605 7/7
11 AFINNOY ANNOY C10 8 -30 66 7/7 FAIRY B10 38 643 7/7
12 AAEGLNU             LEGUAAN 14H 78 721 7/7
13 DIJORWX             WOX 15G 63 784 7/7
14 EELNPTU             ZONE 4A 31 815 7/7
15 AILNOPT             PRELATION D2 70 885 7/7
16 BGIIORU             BIOG 15L 41 926 7/7
17 EIINQRU             INQUIRE 2I 88 1014 7/7
18 DEGIIJP             JEDI J6 60 1074 7/7

Total: 66/1074 or -1008 for 6.145%
Rank: -

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