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Game sheet of luna1841 (file), Game of May 20, 2011 at 04:00

Word find
Word played
1 AADEIRT TRIAD H5 12 -58 12 5/5 RADIATE H2 70 70 5/5
2 AADNTUV DATA 9H 16 -47 28 3/5 AVAUNTED 8B 63 133 4/5
3 ?BHOOUZ ZOA B6 32 -46 60 2/3 BOOZ(E) 1D 78 211 2/5
4 ADEGHLW WHALE B6 21 -27 81 4/4 WHARE 2E 48 259 2/5
5 AGLOSTU GLOATS B5 11 -28 92 3/4 TOGAS 3E 39 298 2/5
6 ?EEKNRS SNE(A)KER F7 10 -84 102 4/4 KERNI(T)ES 5D 94 392 3/5
7 ABEEORT DEBATER I8 12 -68 114 3/4 OVERBEAT C7 80 472 3/5
8 DFIILPS DRIPS 10B 14 -27 128 4/4 LISP 15A 41 513 4/5
9 EGINOTX TAXING 13B 16 -53 144 5/5 DETOXING I8 69 582 4/6
10 ADEFOSV FOXED 12G 17 -27 161 4/5 SEAFOOD 11E 44 626 4/6
11 ADHILOR DEAL 9H 15 -35 176 5/5 FOLIA H11 50 676 4/6
12 CEFLMOR MINCER 14G 16 -24 192 4/5 INFORCE 14H 40 716 4/6
13 IIMNRTY MISTY K3 10 -53 202 4/5 MINISTRY K1 63 779 4/6
14 ADEIPRU PRICE M11 18 -26 220 5/6 PADI O12 44 823 3/7
15 EILMNQR QUINS E7 14 -16 234 5/6 MIMER 1K 30 853 3/7
16 CEEHILW THEW 6K 18 -20 252 4/6 CHEWIE 12A 38 891 4/7
17 EJQUUVY IVY 4K 18 -18 270 5/5 JURY L12 36 927 4/8
18 EGLLNUV INGLE 4K 14 -6 284 4/7 MVULE M1 20 947 4/8

Total: 284/947 or -663 for 29.98%
Rank: 3432

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