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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of May 22, 2011 at 22:47

Word find
Word played
1 ?BDIMTW WID(E) H5 14 -12 14 4/6 DIMW(I)T H4 26 26 4/6
2 ?BEILRS DI(V)ERS 4H 12 -74 26 6/7 RI(S)IBLES 5E 86 112 5/7
3 EFGINOR F(I)NGER 8G 10 -61 36 6/7 FOREIGN I8 71 183 5/8
4 DGOORSZ ZOOS L2 26 -42 62 5/8 DOOZERS 11E 68 251 5/8
5 AACEIRU RACES L1 16 -11 78 4/8 CURIAE 12A 27 278 6/8
6 AEMOOPU CAMP A12 30 -6 108 6/8 POMACE A8 36 314 6/8
7 ADEGQST GATES L1 16 -21 124 6/7 QADIS F2 37 351 7/8
8 ACEHIIV HIVES L1 30 -8 154 3/8 CHIVED 4A 38 389 7/8
9 AALNPRS SPANS L1 16 -45 170 5/6 PRENASALS K3 61 450 5/8
10 HINOTXY SHINY 8K 45 -5 215 2/6 NIXY B7 50 500 3/8
11 AEITTUU SEAT 8K 5 -57 220 6/6 AUTUNITE 14E 62 562 4/8
12 BDEOTTU POTED 3K 16 -19 236 5/5 DOUBT 15A 35 597 4/8
13 ELNOTWY WEY L13 13 -28 249 6/6 NOWY 10D 41 638 4/8
14 AEEGHNT PHANG 3K 22 -25 271 4/6 AHENT 15K 47 685 4/8
15 EEFIKOR FORCE A1 30 -21 301 4/6 SKEEF 8K 51 736 4/8
16 AEEILLR PALER 3K 14 -7 315 1/6 ERICA A1 21 757 4/8
17 AEELOTV PAVE 3K 18 -16 333 2/6 VOTEEN N10 34 791 4/8
18 AGIJLLO JIG C3 22 -16 355 4/6 JO 14B 38 829 4/8
19 AGGILLN PANG 3K 14 -10 369 4/7 GAPING 3I 24 853 4/9

Total: 369/853 or -484 for 43.25%
Rank: 4883

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