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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of May 26, 2011 at 21:29

Word find
Word played
1 DEEILOY YODEL H4 26 -2 26 2/8 EYELID H3 28 28 2/8
2 ?AAEKRT KART G7 28 -66 54 1/6 (C)ARETAKE 5E 94 122 1/8
3 ADEILOV VEALED L1 28   82 1/9 VOIDEE L1   150 1/9
4 AIMRTXZ ZAX F4 35 -18 117 4/7 LAX 6H 53 203 1/9
5 CEHLNNO AH F5 13 -21 130 6/7 OCHONE 2I 34 237 3/9
6 AEEIMQR QI G7 45   175 3/7       282 2/9
7 DEIIORU VIDE 1L 29   204 1/7       311 2/9
8 ILNOSUV VIOLS 1E 26 -15 230 1/7 VINOUS 1D 41 352 2/9
9 EEOPSTT POETS 9C 24 -2 254 1/7 SEPTET M5 26 378 2/9
10 EGLLSUW GLUTES 8J 24 -4 278 4/8 SWELL L8 28 406 2/10
11 ?AFINOR FET 10K 6 -84 284 7/7 FORNI(C)AL 11E 90 496 2/10
12 AAEGRTT ANGER H10 8 -21 292 6/6 TARGET N9 29 525 3/10
13 ACEEORS CASE 15L 35 -53 327 3/7 ACEROSE 15I 88 613 3/10
14 BMNOOUY YOB 10D 29 -9 356 4/7 BOOMY 12A 38 651 3/10
15 ADILMNP BLIP A12 24 -64 380 5/6 PLAIDMEN 3B 88 739 4/10
16 ABFHINR HA 10F 28 -4 408 3/6 FIAR 4A 32 771 3/10
17 AHINNOT FAITH A4 33   441 1/5       804 3/10
18 BGNORUZ ZO 10F 64   505 4/7       868 2/11
19 BGGNUUW BUNG A12 21 -5 526 2/7 BUGONG C9 26 894 2/11

Total: 526/894 or -368 for 58.83%
Rank: 6916

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