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Game sheet of AtommotA (file), Game of May 27, 2011 at 08:05

Word find
Word played
1 ACEIINN             CANINE H4 22 22  
2 ?APPRST             PARAP(E)TS 5E 94 116  
3 AEIOSUY             SEY 6D 31 147  
4 ACHIORS             COARSISH L1 90 237  
5 AADELMU             REMUDA G5 36 273  
6 EHILTTU             THETIC 1G 33 306  
7 ?FKRTUZ             F(I)Z F8 74 380  
8 ADKLORW             L(E)ADWORK J4 69 449  
9 AEEFOSU FEES 2F 24 -16 24 2/2 FUSEE 12H 40 489 2/2
10 EOOOOVW OWE M2 26 -6 50 3/3 VOW 4D 32 521 2/3
11 EEIMORR FORM H12 27 -1 77 3/4 MOIRE 2F 28 549 2/4
12 ABDNOOU FOND H12 24 -6 101 3/4 KOBAN 11J 30 579 2/4
13 AIIORTT RATION N6 10 -52 111 3/3 TRITONIA N6 62 641 2/4
14 AEIINNQ SIENNA D6 7 -16 118 4/4 QI 7C 23 664 3/4
15 ADEEGIL             GLEED O4 40 704 3/4
16 BEEGLOX EX M2 38 -4 156 2/4 FLEX H12 42 746 3/4
17 ADELNUY QUAD C7 15 -25 171 4/4 DYNE O12 40 786 3/4
18 AIIJNRT JIN M13 46 -73 217 1/3 JANITRIX 15A 119 905 3/4
19 ABEGLOU             BELUGA B10 30 935 3/4
20 AGNOOUV             GOV M13 28 963 3/4

Total: 217/963 or -746 for 22.53%
Rank: 5897

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