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Game sheet of scrab21 (file), Game of May 27, 2011 at 19:36

Word find
Word played
1 DEGILMR             MIDLEG H4 26 26  
2 AAESTVX             TEXAS 10D 39 65  
3 ?ANORTT             ANTIR(I)OT 5E 78 143  
4 ABEIJOS             JABOTS L1 46 189  
5 ?EGNQRU             QUEER(I)NG E8 84 273  
6 ACEIIPT             JAPE 1L 39 312  
7 DEINRTW             WRATE 2J 42 354  
8 AAILNOT             GALTONIA 15E 80 434  
9 CDEHINY             HINNY 14B 51 485  
10 CDEFIMO             MEDICO 1E 38 523  
11 EFINOOR             NIFE 2D 35 558  
12 AEKNPRS             PEKANS 14I 44 602  
13 ABIIRSY             BIRSY A11 45 647  
14 ADEERUW WED B10 22 -7 22 3/6 WARED 4A 29 676 8/8
15 ACILOTZ ZIT B10 38 -13 60 3/8 WALTZ A4 51 727 7/9
16 DEFHIOV H(I)VED J4 19 -18 79 8/9 FISHED 6J 37 764 8/9
17 CEIOORU CIDER O4 33   112 2/8 CODER O4   797 8/9
18 EGIOUUV GROVE C3 20 -4 132 3/8 BEG 3L 24 821 8/9
19 ILOUUVV VIAL B2 16 -4 148 2/7 VIVA B1 20 841 7/9
20 ILOOUUU OIL B8 16 -5 164 2/7 OLIO B8 21 862 7/9

Total: 164/862 or -698 for 19.02%
Rank: 7731

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