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Game sheet of Faeythe (file), Game of June 4, 2011 at 03:19

Word find
Word played
1 ?BCDLNY CL(A)Y H5 16 -14 16 2/2 C(O)LBY H8 30 30 2/2
2 AEELNRU BRAN 11H 12 -71 28 2/2 CERULEAN 8H 83 113 2/2
3 AEILRTZ ZEAL M7 24 -94 52 2/2 LAZURITE K5 118 231 2/2
4 DIOORSU SOUR 13K 26 -54 78 3/3 NIDOROUS O8 80 311 2/3
5 ABFIORT ZARF 7K 27 -51 105 2/3 BIFORATE M1 78 389 2/3
6 AFIKNRT FAKIR 2J 40 -58 145 2/3 RATFINKS 15H 98 487 2/3
7 AEGOTWY YAW L4 37 -2 182 1/3 YBET 1L 39 526 2/3
8 ADRSTUW C(O)LBYS H8 12 -18 194 3/3 SAW 13K 30 556 2/3
9 EILNOPR REPLY 12D 20 -54 214 2/3 PROLINE 14B 74 630 2/3
10 ADMNNOT MA 15A 16 -17 230 2/3 MONDAIN 2H 33 663 2/3
11 ?EEGOSU             GOU(J)EERS C8 68 731 2/3
12 DEEOPSV             EMOVED H1 48 779 2/3
13 AEGINUW             WIGGA 8A 36 815 2/3
14 AENPSUX             PANAXES E5 64 879 3/4
15 ACHIMOT             COSH 15A 52 931 3/4
16 ADEHQTU             QAT J10 67 998 3/4
17 DEHIIMU             UH F9 35 1033 3/4
18 DEEIITV             EVITED F1 33 1066 3/4

Total: 230/1066 or -836 for 21.57%
Rank: 4063

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