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Game sheet of Faeythe (file), Game of June 5, 2011 at 07:38

Word find
Word played
1 AEIRSTX             AXITES H3 42 42  
2 ?EINOSW             (T)OWNIES 2H 97 139  
3 DEFHIIR             HEID 1L 49 188  
4 EOPQRSY             POSEY G3 46 234  
5 AACELRT             OXCART 4G 30 264  
6 ADEOSTV             VOTED F6 41 305  
7 EKNNOQU             UNKENT 8A 33 338  
8 ADLMPTU             UPTALK C3 26 364  
9 DELMORU MOULDER G9 25 -61 25 2/5 SMOULDER 8H 86 450 5/6
10 ?ACLNRV RAV(E)L G9 15 -63 40 2/3 VERNACL(E) N7 78 528 5/6
11 AABEEIS ABASE 15K 43   83 2/3       571 4/6
12 AAGIQRT QAT 6B 32   115 1/4       603 4/7
13 AIORRTW TRAWL 13J 16 -10 131 1/3 WORRAL 13I 26 629 4/7
14 AEFIOTZ ZOOEA J6 36 -20 167 1/3 ZITE D1 56 685 3/7
15 AEIIMNR MAIZE 1A 48 -35 215 2/2 URINEMIA A8 83 768 3/7
16 BEGINOO GONZO 1A 45 -12 260 2/2 BOOZING 1A 57 825 2/7
17 DEFGHUY HEY 14H 35 -9 295 2/2 DEFY B12 44 869 2/7
18 AFGGIIL FLOG J6 16 -8 311 2/2 IF 2A 24 893 2/7
19 EGHJLOU OH 14I 31 -14 342 1/3 JEHU C10 45 938 2/8

Total: 342/938 or -596 for 36.46%
Rank: 6599

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