F*RT."> F*RT.">
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Game sheet of bobadamdan (file), Game of June 6, 2011 at 14:17

Word find
Word played
1 AEELLWY ALLEY H8 24 -60 24 2/4 WALLEYE H7 84 84 2/4
2 CHIMORS CHIMES 11D 26 -64 50 1/4 MORICHES 13B 90 174 1/4
3 ?EILORU             (S)OILURE 14H 81 255 2/4
4 AAEJNOP PEAN 15L 38 -51 88 1/4 JALAPENO 10F 89 344 2/4
5 BDEINOY YEN I6 15 -37 103 2/3 OBEYED 11F 52 396 1/4
6 BEGKRSU SERK 15L 34 -12 137 2/4 BUSK O12 46 442 1/4
7 AENSTTV VAT 12A 16 -22 153 3/4 VATMEN B10 38 480 2/4
8 ?AEFIOS SNAF(U) 15A 33 -50 186 2/5 FEI(J)OAS N4 83 563 2/5
9 EEGPRTZ             PREZ D12 50 613 3/5
10 DINNORT             ORDINANT 8C 60 673 4/5
11 ADIOQRT QAT O3 21 -15 207 2/2 QAID M2 36 709 3/5
12 AILRRTW TROW 8L 24 -12 231 2/3 TAW O6 36 745 3/5
13 EGIOOST TI N1 26 -10 257 1/3 EGOIST L3 36 781 3/5
14 AFIRRTU F*RT O1 33   290 1/3 FRIT O1   814 3/5
15 DEGHILR             HOLDER M9 37 851 3/5
16 AEEGNRR             GARNERED E1 70 921 3/5
17 ACIMNOV             INCAVO 2B 38 959 3/5
18 AIMTUUX             UNMIXT 4D 46 1005 3/5

Total: 290/1005 or -715 for 28.85%
Rank: 5289

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