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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of June 6, 2011 at 21:05

Word find
Word played
1 ?IKORUV             KOUR(O)I H4 28 28  
2 GGINOPR             PORGING G9 72 100  
3 EFIMSTW             FIRMEST 11E 48 148  
4 ?DLPQUZ             QU(I)Z 6G 41 189  
5 DEIOPTY             IDIOTYPE 13G 80 269  
6 AEEFGRV             VERGE 15D 39 308  
7 AAEINNO             INANGA 12C 30 338  
8 ADEHLRS             HERALDS O7 104 442  
9 AAEIJLS             JAILS F2 54 496  
10 AEEHMOT             MEATHE N2 43 539  
11 ABBEFNO             BOAB O1 46 585  
12 EFGIRTU             FIE 14J 34 619  
13 ACDGINS             CNIDA 15K 39 658  
14 EILORTV             VOTER 13A 28 686  
15 ADELTUW             ADVEW A11 42 728  
16 ENORSUX             NOX G1 44 772  
17 CEELRST RELAX 3C 24 -41 24 1/3 TERCELS B5 65 837 3/3
18 ILNOTUY OY H1 34 -8 58 2/3 OCTYL 8A 42 879 3/3
19 AGNOUUW WONGA A1 35   93 1/3       914 3/3

Total: 93/914 or -821 for 10.17%
Rank: -

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