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Game sheet of marshjules (file), Game of June 13, 2011 at 10:08

Word find
Word played
1 ?CDEGLS SLEDG(E) H4 16 -60 16 2/2 C(U)DGELS H4 76 76 2/2
2 EINOSUY YOUNG 7D 10 -12 26 2/3 CONEYS 4H 22 98 2/3
3 DEMNOTW MOLTEN 9F 10 -57 36 3/3 MELTDOWN 9F 67 165 2/3
4 ?AAFIIZ             ZA(R)F 3I 57 222 2/5
5 ADEIPSX SPADED 6E 20 -39 56 4/5 SPADIX N9 59 281 4/5
6 CFNORUY             CORNY 10B 39 320 4/5
7 EKLORTT             TOKER M11 44 364 4/5
8 BEGHSTU             BESOUGHT C7 86 450 4/5
9 AEEHIOR             AHI 2I 42 492 4/5
10 AEINPRV             PREVE 8A 42 534 4/5
11 ADEFJNO             FAWNED L7 41 575 4/5
12 AAEEIRT             ERADIATE J6 63 638 4/5
13 ABEJLLM             JAMBER 15H 54 692 4/5
14 EILORRW             WORREL 1D 52 744 4/5
15 IILNOTU             NOT O13 26 770 4/5
16 AEGILOT             LOGIA 1K 24 794 4/5
17 IILOTUV             VIGIL 12A 26 820 4/7
18 EIINQTU             QUINTE E3 30 850 4/7

Total: 56/850 or -794 for 6.588%
Rank: -

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