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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of June 13, 2011 at 17:45

Word find
Word played
1 ?AGHMQU             QUA(I)GH H4 56 56  
2 AEINRRT             QINTAR 4H 30 86  
3 IILNOPS             SPOILING 8A 86 172  
4 ABEIORY             BOILERY E5 48 220  
5 AEGJORT             JAGER F2 39 259  
6 DEEILOT             TOILETED K4 86 345  
7 ?DEEMRV             REM(O)VED J8 88 433  
8 ACDNOPU             RECOUP 8J 39 472  
9 EEFLMST             TERFES 10C 36 508  
10 EHINORS HERS N1 30 -52 30 2/6 NOSHERIE 13F 82 590 6/6
11 AFGOTYZ ZO 7M 44 -6 74 1/5 GAZY 12L 50 640 6/6
12 ADELSTX SEX H13 30 -14 104 4/6 TAX G1 44 684 6/7
13 CENOSUV CONS N1 28 -2 132 2/4 EVOS N1 30 714 6/7
14 AEFIKMT YIKE O12 33 -15 165 3/7 KIEF 1L 48 762 6/8
15 ADENOTU YODE O12 24 -6 189 1/8 NOYADE O10 30 792 5/9
16 ADILTUW DAW 14E 18 -16 207 6/7 AW H1 34 826 5/9
17 ALLNOTW WONT J2 17 -14 224 5/5 TALLOW 14B 31 857 5/9
18 ABEIINT BEAN 15F 29 -54 253 4/6 BAINITES A1 83 940 5/9
19 CDMNRUU             CUM 13A 24 964 5/9

Total: 253/964 or -711 for 26.24%
Rank: 6416

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