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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of June 13, 2011 at 18:31

Word find
Word played
1 AHILSTU HAILS H4 24 -54 24 2/2 THULIAS H3 78 78 2/2
2 DDEGIIN HIDING 4H 22   46 2/2       100 2/2
3 AEFNOOS FONS N1 26 -1 72 1/4 SOFA N4 27 127 1/4
4 AEEKNOR RANKE O5 36 -11 108 2/4 KARO 8L 47 174 1/4
5 CDENORU             DECURION 7C 65 239 2/4
6 AEEGOTY             YGOE 8A 33 272 3/4
7 ADEMORS DRAMS 9J 33 -17 141 1/4 REMUDAS 5E 50 322 2/4
8 ABCEILN CAB 9K 23 -14 164 2/4 BALANCE M7 37 359 2/4
9 ?AAEELU LEA(S)E 14J 23 -2 187 4/5 LAU(R)AE 14J 25 384 2/5
10 AEINOOT NEAT 15H 16 -9 203 3/6 NOOIT 15H 25 409 2/6
11 EEIQTVW QI 3K 25 -17 228 5/6 VIEW O12 42 451 3/6
12 ?AEEFIR FARE 6B 27 -65 255 1/6 REAE(D)IFY A1 92 543 3/6
13 EINOTVX EXIT B1 46   301 1/6       589 2/7
14 BDEHOTW HO N10 28 -17 329 1/7 BOTH C1 45 634 2/8
15 EIILPRV PRIG M1 14 -18 343 5/6 PELVIC 12H 32 666 2/8
16 EIMNORS             MERSION 13C 79 745 3/8
17 EJPRTYZ             JEEZ D12 60 805 4/8
18 AEGQTWY             EQUATE F5 37 842 4/9
19 NPRTUWY             YUTZ 15A 48 890 4/9

Total: 343/890 or -547 for 38.53%
Rank: 6788

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