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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of June 13, 2011 at 21:37

Word find
Word played
1 EGIORTU             GOUTIER H4 70 70  
2 EHIIOOS HOES G9 22 -6 22 1/1 SOHO G7 28 98 1/1
3 CEFLNTU FUN F10 28 -5 50 1/1 FLUENT F10 33 131 1/1
4 ABEJMTW TAJ 15F 30 -9 80 1/2 WEAMB I9 39 170 1/2
5 AADEEER TREAD 15F 18 -9 98 2/3 AERATED 15B 27 197 1/3
6 ?EIRRST STIR(R)ER 14I 29 -50 127 1/3 STIRRE(S) 14I 79 276 1/3
7 AELPPSW WA(S)P O12 36   163 1/3 WAPPERS M9   312 1/3
8 ?DEEEIN (S)ED 8M 23 -99 186 1/5 NEEDIE(S)(T) O8 122 434 1/5
9 ADIIOTZ ZOA 14B 50   236 1/3 DZO 14A   484 1/5
10 ALMNQUV QUA N6 34   270 1/3       518 1/5
11 ABGIMOT TAI O4 15 -14 285 1/2 BOMA 5K 29 547 1/5
12 EILNRVY YE N10 33 -9 318 1/2 VENEY 13C 42 589 1/5
13 GILLOOS GILLS O1 30   348 1/2       619 1/5
14 AEHJRTY JA 4L 40 -8 388 1/2 HAJ 4J 48 667 1/5
15 AILNRTU RAT 6J 20 -7 408 1/3 UNITARD A8 27 694 1/5
16 DEILNOT NOTED B6 23 -7 431 1/4 DENIM M1 30 724 1/5
17 GLNOOOY YO N10 33 -38 464 1/3 NOOLOGY B3 71 795 1/5
18 ACIIRTX TAXI C2 37 -21 501 1/2 XI J10 58 853 1/5
19 ACIRTTV CAR C2 16 -62 517 2/2 TRACTIVE D6 78 931 1/5

Total: 517/931 or -414 for 55.53%
Rank: 6986

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