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Game sheet of Tracyann (file), Game of June 14, 2011 at 00:00

Word find
Word played
1 AEGLOQT             QAT H6 24 24  
2 ACDGIMT             IGAD I6 28 52  
3 ?AINRRU AGAIN 7H 6 -58 6 4/5 (M)URRAIN G7 64 116 4/5
4 ?GILOOO             OOGO(N)IAL 11A 66 182 5/5
5 AALNOST             SONANTAL 13C 68 250 5/5
6 DORTTUY             DUROY A8 39 289 5/5
7 AFIINOS             SAINFOI(N) E4 70 359 5/5
8 NOTTUWZ             WIZ 6D 35 394 5/5
9 ACEMTVY             MAY 14D 35 429 5/5
10 IOPRRTV             RIVO D1 20 449 5/5
11 CELNOTV             TELCO 15E 30 479 5/5
12 BCEEHSV             SEVICHE 2A 46 525 5/5
13 DEINSTU             DUNITES 1G 80 605 5/5
14 AEELMTW             AWEEL 3F 29 634 5/5
15 AEFIKNP             FAINE 4H 37 671 5/5
16 BEIPRTX             EXTIRP 12J 38 709 6/6
17 BBEGORT             BOET 11J 39 748 6/6
18 BEEGHNP             PEGH O12 30 778 6/6
19 DEEKMPR             SMERKED M1 41 819 6/6

Total: 6/819 or -813 for 0.732%
Rank: -

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