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Game sheet of remij (file), Game of June 15, 2011 at 19:03

Word find
Word played
1 ?EIORSU RES(T) H6 6 -58 6 8/8 OURIES(T) H8 64 64 8/8
2 BEEINRS RIBS 10H 12 -62 18 5/8 NEBRISES 13C 74 138 6/9
3 AFILTTY FRAT 10G 9 -74 27 9/9 FATTILY G3 83 221 9/9
4 EEJLOPS JAPS 4F 16 -36 43 7/7 JEEP 12A 52 273 8/9
5 AEGIKSU JUGS A12 36 -9 79 4/8 JAKE A12 45 318 5/9
6 DFIIOOP FAD 4F 9 -20 88 7/8 FOP I7 29 347 5/9
7 ADEIORY FORD 3G 9 -41 97 8/9 DRAY H1 50 397 5/9
8 ?ADENRT TRADED 1E 8 -75 105 8/10 DARNDE(S)T 1H 83 480 5/10
9 AHHNSUU THAN O1 8 -43 113 10/11 HUHUS 14J 51 531 7/11
10 BDGINOT DOING L1 14 -20 127 8/11 TIGON 15K 34 565 7/11
11 ADIIMNO MUG M13 12 -23 139 10/12 AMID 13L 35 600 6/12
12 EIIILTZ ZIT 6E 14 -18 153 9/11 ZEE B10 32 632 6/12
13 CEMORSW FARMS 3G 11 -28 164 9/12 CROWED O8 39 671 7/12
14 AEGLOTV GLOW 11L 8 -17 172 10/10 GALVO C6 25 696 7/12
15 CEIINNO FACE 3G 12 -63 184 9/9 INCONIE D1 75 771 7/12
16 EEGNOUV FAG 3G 9 -21 193 7/10 KEENO 14A 30 801 7/12
17 DGIMOQS QIS 1C 12 -19 205 8/10 MID A8 31 832 8/12
18 AGOQSTU QUOIST 1A 45 -6 250 2/12 QATS J6 51 883 7/13
19 ABGILOT             OBLIGATI 11E 94 977 8/13
20 ALRUVWX FAX 7I 13 -32 263 8/10 WUXIA 1A 45 1022 8/13

Total: 263/1022 or -759 for 25.73%
Rank: 3171

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