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Game sheet of arlo805 (file), Game of June 15, 2011 at 20:35

Word find
Word played
1 EINNSTX NEXTS H8 26   26 2/7 EXIST H8   26 2/7
2 AELNOOW WOOLEN I3 16 -11 42 5/7 WALE G8 27 53 4/8
3 AACEMTV CAM F7 25 -19 67 5/7 AMESACE 11E 44 97 4/8
4 DEEIKNT KITE I6 27 -18 94 2/7 EXISTENT H8 45 142 4/8
5 ACFIOOR FA I13 20 -14 114 3/7 COOF F6 34 176 3/8
6 ?INRTYZ ZIN 14F 32 -25 146 5/7 ZIN(K)Y 12A 57 233 3/9
7 DEFINRT FITTED 15F 10 -41 156 9/9 FRITZ A8 51 284 4/10
8 EGILLRS STILLER 15G 8 -63 164 9/9 GILLERS L5 71 355 4/10
9 ?INORTT TROTTIN(G) 15H 24 -50 188 1/8     74 429 4/10
10 DEENSUY EYED 13C 30 -6 218 3/9 ENNUYE 14F 36 465 4/11
11 AEIMORU LIME 8L 18 -17 236 4/9 UREMIA 15A 35 500 4/11
12 AABDORS             ABROADS I2 72 572 4/12
13 ADGIIOR             RADIOING C6 74 646 4/12
14 AEGLSUW             WAES J2 36 682 4/12
15 ADHNOTV             THO H1 32 714 5/12
16 ADELOUU             ODEA B6 24 738 6/12
17 BILNOPV             BOP G3 21 759 6/12
18 DEEJNPU             JUPE 13K 36 795 6/12
19 EGIKLQU             KLUGE 8K 30 825 7/12
20 DILNQVV             VILD D3 20 845 8/12

Total: 236/845 or -609 for 27.92%
Rank: 5354

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