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Game sheet of Oasthouse1 (file), Game of June 17, 2011 at 13:57

Word find
Word played
1 EEHISUW             WEISE H4 24 24  
2 ACDEFIT             FACETED 5E 52 76  
3 ?AEHIOS             (C)OACHIES G2 80 156  
4 ACEFHLR             FETCH I3 45 201  
5 ?ILNRRV             FL(A)VIN 3I 22 223  
6 AKOPSXZ             ZAX F8 49 272  
7 DIORSTU             STUDIO O3 36 308  
8 AAEORTY             YARTO 4A 29 337  
9 EGILNOW             DOWELING K5 76 413  
10 AEIRSTT AIR E10 15 -61 15 1/1 RATITES E9 76 489 3/3
11 AEINNOR SNORE 15E 15 -62 30 1/1 RAISONNE 15B 77 566 2/3
12 ABDERUY BRAYED A1 36 -47 66 2/2 DAUBERY 14I 83 649 2/3
13 ABJKMRU JURY A1 42 -8 108 1/2 BRAK D9 50 699 2/3
14 AEMOOPQ QI 10J 31 -5 139 1/2 MAYO O12 36 735 2/3
15 EEGNOPT PET 13C 21 -10 160 2/3 NETOP 13C 31 766 2/4
16 EGGINTU EGGY A1 27 -3 187 1/2 TYEING A3 30 796 2/4
17 DILLOPV             VIVO L1 28 824 2/4
18 ELLPRUU             REP J8 25 849 2/4
19 DGJMQUU             JUGUM N8 34 883 2/4

Total: 187/883 or -696 for 21.17%
Rank: 5862

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